Prophecy Interpretation and Prediction Analysis

Michael McClellan. The author operated the first Nostradamus and the New Prophecy Almanacs from 1999 to 2023 at GeoCities and the former Yahoo! (now Turbify). Due to drastic changes at the webhost he was forced to close his account there in April 2023 after 24 years of operation. Meantime, in 2013 he had joined the Weebly team and created a blog and website called Nostradamus and the New Prophecy Almanacs 2, which remains in operation. This site is intended to supplement the main website at Weebly by showcasing prophecies, articles, opinions, news, and prediction analysis. 


Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.96

The Rose above the middle of the great world, because of new deeds public blood is shed: To tell  the truth, we will have our mouths shut, then when needed the expected one will come late. 

Although one meaning, as we will discover, might have concerned the murder of Princess Diana ("England's Rose") in Paris, and another (immediately below) concerns an infamous  religious cult causing the spectacular suicide of a popular fashion model, ultimately "The Rose" is about a LIVING WOMAN, alive in our time, one who has claimed The Rose as her device, and not about someone who is connected to this special flower after death.

It was reported in 2011 by various news sources that a 1970's American mind-control cult similar to Scientology called "The Rose of the World" remains active in other countries, including Russia. An investigation by filmmaker Peter Pomerantsev concluded without a doubt that Russian supermodel Ruslana Korshunova, who leapt to her death from a building site adjacent to her 9th floor Manhattan apartment on June 28, 2008, belonged to this cult. So too did another prominent model, Anastasia Drozdova, a close friend of Ruslana's, who also leapt to her death in 2009. Both were members of the cult, Rose of the World.

Ruslana allegedly wrote the following on her web page before leaping to her death: "My dream is to fly. Oh, my rainbow it is too high." A search of Anastasia's room yielded the following cryptic message from Rose of the World: "Anastasia, your lullaby is winter's end. You're on your way."

Ruslana's body was found 8.5 meters from the building from which she fell.

Pomerantsev had this to say about Ruslana's alleged suicide "jump":

"8.5 meters? That's not a fall. That's a leap. That's almost flight. She didn't stand on the ledge and take a step off. She took a run and soared."

Manhattan is the financial center of the world ("middle of the great world"). Ruslana Korshunova's blood was shed publicly, but for what "new deeds" remains a mystery.

Princess Diana was the most famous and glamorous woman in "the great world." After her tragic death, singer and songwriter Elton John rewrote the lyrics for "Candle In The Wind," which had been a tribute to actress Marilyn Monroe, and applied them to Diana, calling her "England's Rose." If the second line does apply to her, she was killed because of "new deeds": possibly her affair with boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed. The French authorities have frustrated the international public which adored Diana by being tight-lipped about the investigation. It is doubtful they will ever "speak the truth," perhaps because French secret police were involved in the murder plot.

For many years I and many others bought into the idea that Diana was "the Rose." However, the Rose appears in other quatrains that do not apply well to Diana. The fact is, Diana was never nicknamed "the Rose" during her life ... but not until John eulogized her as such. It is highly doubtful therefore that Diana was ever "the Rose" of Nostradamus prophecy. It is also unlikely to refer to Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle or humanitarian actress Angelina Jolie.

Still, I believe "The Rose" is a person ... and that person will be a very famous female. Furthermore, because I spent close to a quarter of century linking "The Rose" to Princess Diana, this person probably also believes in the connection.

Let me say to that person: you do not have to be another Diana to be "The Rose." You will be "The Rose" by your own designs and your own beliefs. When the time finally arrives, you shall become "The Rose" entirely on your own!

And who might this person be?

The only living human being I am aware of who has publicly made a connection between herself and The Rose to millions of people time and time again since the year 2019.

The color of love: Britney Spears, 41, looked ‘pretty in pink’ on Friday as she modeled an off-the-shoulder mini dress for a new Instagram video.  A photo of the late Princess Diana hangs on the wall in the background.

The connection between Britney's pink dress and the image of Princess Diana is obvious, is it not? This is a continuation of what Britney has called "Project Rose." I believe that project is Britney transforming herself into the personification known in Nostradamus prophecy as THE ROSE.

No one else has ever laid claim to the title "the Rose" ... not before Diana and not after she died. In fact, not even Diana did ... that was Elton John's doing. If anyone ever does lay claim to "the Rose" they have to be someone very famous.

Thus, in the summer of 2019, someone very famous began associating herself with the symbol of the rose. "Project Rose" first emerged that summer on Instagram in the person of singer Britney Spears, still imprisoned by and under control of a conservatorship. Project Rose was cryptically seen labeled as “Just a Touch of Rose” and featured Britney wearing a garland of pink roses in her hair. It was a new project she was working on was all she would say.

In summer 2020, and ever since, Project Rose and "Rose" have been names we would read about and hear about from Britney Spears sporadically. It is clear that Britney believes she IS "the Rose" ... a kind of alter ego or symbolic name. It is also clear she is aware of the Princess Diana link I have made to the Rose as well since she associates it with emoji symbols of the British flag and because she also recorded a popular song with Elton John who dedicated "Tiny Dancer" to Britney in the same way he had dedicated "Candle In The Wind (Goodbye Norma Jean)" to Diana. The difference being that Diana was dead while Britney is very much alive.

But the way she said that we can conclude she was only "approximating" two years!

So when does Britney believe she became The Rose? Regardless of the "Just a Touch of Rose" preview in summer 2019, on August 13, 2021, Britney declared "Project Rose is a year old and 9 days old!!!!" That would make the true starting date of "Rose" as August 4, 2020. Thus, her comment on October 24, 2022, was slightly off as she said "Rose is two years old." It would have been two years and two months and two weeks old at that time.

So what happened on August 4, 2020? Anything significant in "the middle of the great world?" One event, but one that will have profound implications in this decade and the 2030's.

Have a look:

Huge explosions at the port of Beirut, Lebanon, kill more than 200 and leave over 6,000 thousand people injured. Many thought the second explosion was nuclear.

As I mentioned on my website, this event is a PRECEDENT. It prefigures a major war in Lebanon and another event to come that will be similar but a thousand times worse. It prefigures a prophecy, I believe: the one mentioned by Isaiah and by Jeremiah about the fiery destruction of Damascus and several neighboring cities in Syria. Damascus has been a burden to the Middle East and even the world since 2011, remains a burden, and will perish a burden. When is the question, but I suspect in the 2030's.

When Hell is unleashed on Lebanon, Britney's fame will begin to flourish like never before. She may also become political, involving herself more and more in the world's problems.

Britney has only gained a large measure of freedom from conservatorship since 2021. She was groomed (and I mean that in every sense of the word) for the world of popular music and entertainment by Disney and by her parents, with a strong emphasis on sexual exploitation. An especially strong sexual exploitation of Britney Spears.

Thus, she lives in a confusing existence that is constantly in flux. One world is the world she would have realized perhaps as a model or actress rather than as a singer, as another Anna Nicole, Pamela Anderson, or Jayne Mansfield. We have been seeing glimpses of this type of Britney since she began to appear topless. One may well wonder what direction Diana would have moved in had she not been killed in 1997. She was only 36 when she died and had begun modeling for major fashion magazines. Perhaps she would have taken up acting, who can say? The other Britney, also with strong Diana ties, is the outraged humanitarian, outraged at what happened to her and has happened to others like her.

Britney Spears has enjoyed more worldwide popularity via Instagram and the #FreeBritney movement since 2019 and doing so within the confines of a highly restrictive conservatorship, than Madonna or Taylor Swift have in the last decade. Instagram has allowed her to pose for photos, share dance videos, and communicate with millions of fans.

Several documentaries of her life catapulted her fame even higher. In a sense, she has been in the spotlight during this time nearly as much as, and possibly more than, she was during 20 years of singing and dancing on stage and making music videos.

The real reason the star received so much unwanted attention during the period that triggered the conservatorship, 2007-08, had to do with the magnitude of her breakdown. I use the following quote to summarize: hers was "a collapse on a scale that we’d really never seen.” No, not even Marilyn Monroe's breakdowns had been so publicly witnessed via the news media. It was like being told there was a massive earthquake or volcanic eruption not seen in 100,000 years going on somewhere in the world and then being scolded later for watching. No one had ever seen any famous personality go through what Britney did during that tumultuous time. It was a MAJOR EVENT, like the outbreak of a major war. Yes, there were trolls who made fun of her but most of us we were shocked and spellbound. And many of the shocked and spellbound of 2007-08 became a part of the #FreeBritney movement.

Thirteen years of misery later and at last there came a light at the end of her tunnel. We all seek that light sooner or later because sooner or later we end up in tunnels of our own. Some tunnels are short, and others are long. Some of us never find the way out ... or only discover the exit is an entrance to yet another tunnel. Well have I known, and still continue to know this, without going into details.

In my opinion, she is the most famous female on the planet and possibly the most beautiful woman in the world. SHE IS OUR 21st CENTURY VERSION OF MARILYN MONROE!

Yes, it is true that she will do something vulgar like flipping the bird at her fans or the public. Of course, Marilyn would never have done that, nor Diana, nor even Jayne Mansfield. But these are different times we live in, looser and much more expressive. She is still as close as we can get to such a figure as Marilyn or Diana today.

How popular she will remain depends on certain critical decisions that she will have to make.

Then again, if YouTube proved that one can become a popular entertainer, singer, musician, actor or whatever on the Internet, Britney Spears has proved that a famous stage and music video celebrity can greatly magnify his or her existing popularity merely by using social media, without making any kind of public or "televised" appearance.

But of course, Britney's circumstances are unique to the hardships she has faced since 2007, making her Instagram performances and communications enticingly enigmatic.

One other characteristic I note as well is her ability to engage her audience on a seemingly one-to-one basis, although this is an illusion, but one she carries off well using basic eye contact skills. It is what is lacking from so many other performers ... the randomness in which they open up directly to the camera lens. They do it, but not consistently. Britney is if anything consistent with her eye contact and facial expressions. She is upfront and personal ... a hard thing to do for millions of fans. It makes one feel she is engaging you directly. In a sense she has created a new form of entertainment ... a more intimate kind because she is sharing so much of herself. That makes some fans think she is crazy ... but I don't think she is crazy at all.

For now, "The Rose" and its analogous "Xila Maria River Red" (Britney's new name), remain symbols intimately attached to the former pop singing sensation and current Instagram dancing, modeling, and fandom communication icon. 

She seemingly abandoned "Project Rose" during the lengthy court proceedings to end her conservatorship. Now the image is back. from time to time, and there is no doubt she is qualifying herself with the symbol of "the rose." Why is still a mystery, but the last person associated with that symbol was Princess Diana. However, once again, the title she earned with that flower image was "England's Rose" rather than simply "the Rose" ... and it was posthumous. That may sound like a highly technical difference that should matter little, but it does matter a lot.

Britney Spears Remains "The Rose" of at Least Six of Nostradamus's Prophecies

Remember that in all of his prophecies, The Rose is a woman who KNOWS she is linked to that flower, and not someone like Princess Diana who was given that title AFTER she DIED. Also, in one quatrain, The Rose is strongly connected to the Pope and Catholicism and in another to Greece. Diana did not match either of these, nor did she receive the romantic attentions of any of the male surviving members of French royalty, pretenders, or otherwise as predicted in a sixain.

Neither has Britney Spears yet fulfilled all of the Rose prophecies. In fact, there is only one quatrain where it can be argued that she has: "the Rose above the middle of the great world" quatrain (Quatrain 5.96, at top of page)

* However, it now appears that Britney made an important inroad to fulfilling another quatrain, Quatrain 5.31, concerning Greece (more on that further down). 

Line 1 of Quatrain 5.96, covered the entire period of #FreeBritney: from 2019 to 2021 when alarms went off over the welfare of the former pop singing sensation, particularly among her 42 million Instagram followers, resulting in world attention and controversial discussions, a slew of docudramas about Britney's life (despite many inaccuracies), the #FreeBritney Movement itself, and finally her release from the 13-year conservatorship. It has continued to cover 2022 and most of 2023, the publication of her book, and now, once again, 2024, after a shaky start to the new year.

Regarding line 2, this was and is a turbulent period of American history and world history for that matter, and sadly much blood has been spilled in the US, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza, and elsewhere. 

However, the blood that was shed publicly may well have been that of Donald Trump, the victim of an assassination attempt on July 13, 2024, as well as the death of a person attending the rally where he was shot and two other people there who were injured.

Regarding line 3, public discourse, free speech, has been minimized greatly in the US, thus the "to speak the truth we will have closed mouths" line. 

The final line could imply future trouble for the Rose and a last-minute intervention by someone, probably a male, but possibly a female. Whether it will be a romantic interest or not I do not know. Given the fragile nature of Britney's persona and lifestyle, post-conservatorship, it would seem most applicable to her.

Thus, this there is little doubt Britney remains the one most likely to be The Rose today, despite the difficult time she had in 2023 and 2024 adjusting to her new freedoms and problems she has had since her ex-husband Sam Asghari left her. I have made it clear that this person is not the Britney Spears of old, despite many fans who want her to go back to who she was. This is a NEW BRITNEY ... and people have been having a hard time adjusting to the fact that she is a completely new personality. The transition or re-invention has been so difficult for some of these fans to accept that they write her off as "crazy."

Britney also continues to prove that "The Rose" is her personal insignia, emblem, and device, in artwork on Instagram and also as the inside cover imprint in her book. 


I believe Paul Richard Soliz was responsible for halting her progress and growth as a person (and thus bringing a temporary halt to The Rose), and apparently her brother Bryan also believed this to be true, as well as expressing his disdain not only for PRS but for other "lowlifes." 

I see great hope for Britney now and believe that she can move on with her life and find the fulfillment in it that remains possible.

So, if all things are still remaining the same, here is also another quatrain to consider:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.97

Roman Pontiff beware of approaching the city that two rivers flow through, near there your blood will come to spurt, you and yours when the Rose will flourish.

I ask you, have you ever wondered why the prophet capitalized the "R" in "Rose" in the Pope prophecy? A strange thing to do just to designate that spring has arrived.

Anytime the Pope decides to travel to a city watered by two rivers, he is potentially in very grave danger according to Nostradamus. The prophet warns the Pope to avoid doing so "when blooms the Rose." That of course would definitely point to April, May or June especially as far as a season of bloom. But the Rose can also have a double meaning when it is also applied to a person.

The September Massacres in the United States may have been postponed an entire year due to the October Massacres in Israel. Both of these are related as more and more pro-Left college students, Zoomers, some Millennials, and other brainwashed Americans from various walks of life have been taking to the streets in support of Hamas, chanting Death to America, burning US and Israeli flags, destroying businesses, and attacking Jews and Christians, blinding one young woman in the eye.

September 2024 may well be the start of the Reign of Terror that the Far Left, led by The Squad. It may be that they are even now beginning, and have been since October 7, a slaughter The Squad and other progressives like Bernie Sanders openly celebrated. AOC and Ilhan Omar even praised and applauded the Photo of the Year in journalism ... a photo of Shani Louk who was killed by Hamas, stripped, dismembered, and her body parts dragged through the streets from the back of a pickup truck.

The Pope may come to a New York City half-destroyed like the Bishop in White of the Fatima prophecy. Manhattan, where the UN is located, lies between the Hudson River on the west and the East River on the east.

At the time the Pope is to visit NYC, it is impossible to know what Britney Spears may be up to at that time, and it may be something big. Thus, the Rose may bloom again in September when the Pope visits a city watered by two rivers.

Pope Francis returned from Hungary and the two-river city of Budapest on April 30, 2023, safe and sound. The last time there was any potential danger of prophecy fulfillment was when the Pope visited Iraq, but not at a time of roses blooming, and also when he visited Athens in 2021. Thus far, he has pulled through these two-river cities remarkably well. However, when this pope or perhaps his successor goes to a country with a city watered by two rivers, that may coincide with a major event in the life of Britney Spears.

The "Rose" appears in other prophecies, including one concerning great fame and power. If that truly IS about Britney, then she will unseat and dethrone every living female icon on the planet.

The book and her unique and intimate form of Instagram entertainment and communication with fans has placed Britney on a path to greater stardom. I have said it before and will state it again: the Rose may save her life, and more than once, but if she abandons the flower, she will have no protection from herself or any other adversity, such as her criminal ex-boyfriend.


Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.31

Through the land of Attica, fountain of wisdom, where presented will be the rose of the world: The bridge ruined, and its great preeminence will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.

Nostradamus places the Rose at different times and locations of our future: at a time when a pope is murdered while traveling abroad, in Greece at a time when war is raging in the Balkans and Italy and the Vatican itself are under attack, and at a time of great bloodshed in the Middle East.

In the quatrain above it is not hard to imagine Britney being invited to Greece someday as a special guest of honor.  She has a huge fan base there and even one with a special website devoted to her. Imagine how she might be received in Athens, given all the terrible things she suffered and endured during the conservatorship that she has managed to survive and better herself so much since finally being free of it. It might be a major event meeting the president of Greece and given the keys to the city!

Nostradamus also associates the Rose with the wisdom of the ancient Greeks. Britney knows what I have suspected for many years, that Time is an illusion: “Rose is two years old but what if time is an illusion!!!??? I’m wearing the same necklace TODAY that I’m wearing here!!!” she says in an article above.  Essentially, she is saying Time does not even exist, and I have often said it is CHANGE we measure and call it TIME. And the change we measure is almost always human and animal change, biological change, because in most of the world and universe change is so slow as to be practically non-existent.

Centuries ago. wealthy or well-to-do people were born in a manor, a castle, a mansion, and grew up there, married and had children there, and died there. Generations may have lived and perished there, but the edifice they lived in never changed or changed little. The universe is like that edifice. Britney knows that even with biological change, people tend to change very little in a year (unless illness or lifestyle issues change their appearance) ... and that necklace round her neck will outlast her for centuries to come. Thus, Time is an illusion.

While it does not appear that this quatrain has been fulfilled, and I will explain why, it is very clear to me that Britney has set the stage for her to be able to realize this prophecy at a later time.

Not only did Britney, the Rose, vacation in Greece in May 2024, but she stayed at one of the islands. Which island no one knows, but it could have been at Attica.

Not my top choice of a news embed because of them mentioning the incident where she hurt her foot in a fight with Paul Richard Soliz. But unfortunately, the Greek City Times does not allow embedding.

Here is the lead in though from GCT: 

"Britney Spears revealed in a post that she travelled to Greece two months ago. On Tuesday morning, the pop star published a series of photos that, as she says, she took during her stay on an island, whose identity she did not reveal. One of the snaps she shared with her more than 42 million Instagram followers depicts the blue door of a shop with the menu written on small blackboards. The singer also photographed the alleys of the island and the harbour with the boats. "Pics I took from a trip to Greece 2 months ago," she wrote in the caption. During the period she claims to have been in Greece, the 42-year-old received a lot of attention from the press and worried her millions of fans."

No one knows which island Britney, The Rose, stayed at, but if this visit was related to the quatrain by Nostradamus, it was likely Attica. But that does not necessarily have to be the case, especially if she plans to go back to Greece again for future visits. Eventually on one of these visits she may stay at a hotel in Attica. Bear in mind though that "Attica" may simply function symbolically for the nation of Greece. Sort of like saying, the Attican nation.

However, while I find this vacation in May encouraging, and definitely places Britney on the right path regarding the visions of Nostradamus, this particular trip did not fulfill the quatrain

For one thing it will be no secret that The Rose is in Greece: she will be presented in Greece, or on the island of Attica itself, in some way, officially or at least to fans.

The second half of the quatrain deals with events involving The Vatican occurring at the time she is in Greece, and possibly the island of Attica. The events in Rome are not going to be very good:

"The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves." 

Nostradamus used both "ship" and "bridge" to symbolize the Catholic Church and the Pope.

Thus, at the very least, a Schism will be in progress, and the office of the Pope will be threatened. This could be the time when a newly elected pope called "The Sabine" does not entirely gain the support of the College of Cardinals even after being elected and dies only seven months later without gaining full prelature. After him, things get even worse. An antipope is appointed, and he rules for seven more months. Thus, the papacy will be in a state of ruin for 14 months during the time of a schism. The Vatican and the Church will be under subjection, indicating some kind of control from outside of Italy, but in the medieval sense, under attack ... military or terrorist attacks.

Nostradamus predicted that at the time the Sabine and then the Antipope rule in Rome, the Balkans will be on fire in a big war and some of it will spill over into Italy and Rome itself. There is also the suggestion that emissaries of the Sabine or the Antipope, or either of these two top Catholic leaders themselves, die at sea, killed during a naval attack on a Vatican ship, possibly an attack by Iran or a terrorist group like ISIS-K. 

Two different quatrains indicate danger to the Pope and other Vatican officials at the same time "The Rose" will flourish.

The Pope himself, whoever he will be, will spit blood as well as all the people with him when he visits a city watered by two rivers. The Rose will flourish in some way at the time, but where or in what way we do not know. The other time the Vatican and possibly a pope or antipope will be threatened ... and at THAT time the Rose will be in Greece or actually on the Greek island of Attica.

In any event, just taking the time to vacation in Greece places Britney in a position where she is more likely to return there. And during one such visit, the Papacy will be threatened by Schism and a neighboring war or else terrorism.

Again, the May trip was important, especially if she did stay on the island of Attica. But I would expect to see a number of news outlets reporting it at a time tremendously terrible things are happening to Rome, to Italy, and to the Vatican itself.  

Is Britney in any danger? I see nothing certain in prophecy to indicate this. But from an historical repetition perspective, she is entering among the female greats at a time of potential turmoil. Sharing her body with her public ... her fans ... is so much like Jayne Mansfield, and Jayne was killed with a new boyfriend in a car crash in 1967. But there have been many parallels also made between Britney and Marilyn Monroe over the years. After her divorce from playwright Arthur Miller in 1961, Marilyn lived for only another 19 months and then committed suicide from a drug overdose.

Thus, Britney moves into greater fame, the fame of Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, and Sharon Tate between August and December 2025. What happened to these and other female icons on the same line of repetition, like Whitney Houston, Karen Carpenter, Thelma Todd, Carole Lombard and Isadora Duncan, is quite obvious.

There could also be danger to Britney at a much later time if she is the prophesied "Lady of the Garland" discussed in the section below.

The more attention and popularity Britney Spears receives, regardless of her good intentions, the greater the danger. Sadly, it is the nature of the times we are in and moving further into.

The Dark Rose Prophecies

Unfortunately, not everything will always be rosy for The Rose, whether that is Britney or someone else. At this time, Britney is the most logical one to apply the above predictions to ... those that have been discussed so far. Most recently, her rose symbol has appeared on the inner cover of her new, best-selling memoir ... the boldest statement yet that she is indeed "The Rose" of Nostradamus prophecy.

In the following quatrain, it is possible The Rose may either lose her fame, fortune and position in the world or worse, may meet her death. If it is death, it will be a terrible one.

Bear in mind however that, using my base 7 system, this may not take place until 2037, when Britney is 55 old. That's a long time from now and, frankly, next to none of us are probably going to survive the three days of darkness that may come in 2039 anyway. Still, I would add that the "expected one (who) will arrive late" at a time "when needed" might be one who saves her from the terrible fate in the final line of the following quatrain. This will be discussed further below in Sixain 44 where The Rose is rescued by a man or woman at the last possible minute in the year 2037.

So, I know I said earlier that I saw nothing in Nostradamus to indicate death for the Rose, then I remembered the following verse about a popular woman who wears a garland of flowers in her hair. The most popular flower to wear in garlands, especially in Europe, appears to be a tie between the rose and the lily. We cannot entirely rule out the lily as there is a future female and several men in Nostradamus prophecy associated with that flower. But today the only famous young woman I have seen time and again wearing a garland of any kind in her hair is Britney Spears, and that flower is always the rose. So, there is a good chance this is yet another "rose" quatrain.

The Lady of the Garland

Nostradamus, Quatrain 10.47

From the town of Burgos to the Lady of the Garland they will impose a severe punishment for the treason committed: The great prelate of Leon through Formentera will decide her fate, the Lady to be undone by false pilgrims and rapists. 

Britney Spears without doubt is "the Lady of the Garland" who appears in this Nostradamus prophecy, Quatrain 10.47. Not only is Britney "The Rose" due to her use of that flower as her symbol, but also because she often poses wearing a garland of roses in her hair. It is a very serious and important prophecy because there is some chance in the future that Britney, loved and adored in Greece and most of the world, will get into trouble in Spain and could face charges of treason and be sentenced to death. The charges would probably be false, but that would not matter to religious authorities and governors in the town of Burgos, nor would it matter to the Prelate of Leon. It would appear that they will allow a huge mob of false Britney fans as well as rapists recently released or escaped from prison to do terrible things to her that might result in her death. 

She might escape this fate and move on with her life or this event in Spain could be the end of her and her death. I don't see this happening any time soon, most likely in the year 2037 when Britney is 55 years of age.

Spain apparently will become a very dangerous place in the future, even the far future, as several famous young women many years from now will either travel there or be forcibly transported there and then killed or executed. 

One female in the late 2100's will have the beauty of Lais or else the beauty of "Lady Di." She will die a horrible death by execution, possibly by the dreaded iron collar (death by garroting). Another woman in the 2200's will be a very famous and attractive high-priced prostitute, abducted and transported to Spain by sex traffickers. Her miserable death will be at the hands of a mob of sexually crazed and violent people (similar to what could happen to the Lady of the Garland). Also, a very famous and beautiful woman, a French princess, will be assassinated, possibly shot with a high-powered rifle, in the 2070's while she is in a balcony theater seat watching a live music concert. The assassin, who may also be of minor royalty or aristocracy, will come from a region of Spain during a time of mass protests, arsonist fires, and widespread violence there.

We continue with an appraisal of Quatrain 5.96, the prophecy that at this time has largely been fulfilled and clearly is about none other than Britney Spears. It is the last line that must be evaluated as it will either apply to near future events or else to the Lady of the Garland quatrain, not to occur until the late 2030's.

Quatrain 5.96 and Three Dark Lines

Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.96

The Rose above the middle of the great world, because of new deeds public blood is shed: To tell the truth, we will have our mouths shut, then when needed the expected one will come late.

We can pretty much agree that the first line was fulfilled by Britney just prior to, during, and since being freed from her conservatorship. This includes all the work of the #FreeBritney Movement, and all the documentaries made about her around that time (even though she hates them). It can also refer to additional stardom to come besides what she is currently enjoying on Instagram or X ... a likely outcome from the release of her new memoir, "The Woman In Me," which has been a major success for the pop star.

It is also possible that this is the only rose quatrain that might even apply to Britney Spears. It is not impossible there may be other "Roses" in the future. But as this is a THEME page (all of the pages on this site are thematic), I apply all relevant quatrains to the same person. That is the way it is usually done when commentators discuss themes in Nostradamus.

The second line, "because of new deeds public blood is shed," could easily be about conditions in the United States since 2020. Crime, violence, riots, arson, murder ... ever since the killing of George Floyd each year has grown bloodier and more violent. 

Several days ago, former President Donald Trump was shot through the ear at a rally in Pennsylvania, blood was everywhere ... "public blood was shed." Forensic specialists have said that had he moved his head a few centimeters in the other direction, he would have died. One person at the rally was killed by the sniper and two others were injured. 

And that may be what this line is about, conditions in the US occurring during the time Britney's popularity has soared. It is easy to imagine Britney as disturbed by all the violence and even frightened by it.

Then again, the blood that is spilled publicly could in some way be directly related to Britney herself. It could belong to someone she knows or could even be her own. The new deeds, for example, could be her recent divorce from Sam Asghari

As for the public shedding of blood, there is this (and I am so sorry to bring this up, but it remains one of the very few things Britney has ever done that really worried me):

Despite a flurry of reports since that Britney was using stage props, they weren't "real," she was imitating Shakira's knife dance, and feeling let down by her fans because someone (someone close to her as it turns out who was not simply a fan) called LAPD to do a wellness check on her ... this report, and many others like it, has never been addressedRather, it has fallen through the cracks or has been brushed under the carpet. Did she cut herself several times doing the dance or not? I guess we will never know. But this is just an example of how line 2 could play out if something worse ever happens. 

I don't want to see Marilyn Monroe kill herself all over again, I was only a small child but will never forget it. And I don't want to see any more Princess Dianas going to their graves either ... I lived through that as an adult and believed, strongly believed, it was going to happen a full year before it did ... and had no realistic way to stop it. 

There is also this:

Line 3 reads, "To tell the truth, we will keep our mouths shut."

From a public standpoint, this could be about censorship. I have been experiencing it myself. 

It can be done by spamming the search engine results of a website with hundreds, even thousands, of phony sites that look as though they are linked to the website they are spamming. These sites can then deliver malware to anyone clicking on them or send them to an illicit sex site. When the Google search engine detects this, Google punishes the victim by delisting the site and rewards the guilty ones by leaving their spammy sites up. In my book that is censorship. This site has been spammed and delisted from Google as have parts of my main website.

It can be done by destroying a person's computer or browsers with malware and by hacking into the settings. I have experienced this too. I am experiencing it again now.

It can be done by countries, political parties, criminals, and simply jealous people by marginalizing the person's integrity, age, politics, or other aspect of the person, causing people to avoid that person's work. These same evil ones can spam or damage with hacking and malware as well.

It is hard to speak the truth if no one knows you exist, cannot find you, or you are knocked right off the Internet, or your computer is destroyed. Then you almost certainly have a closed mouth.

Regarding Britney, the Rose, the line could have applied to what happened to some degree since the wellness check by fans occurred earlier last year. Most of her fans were pretty much told to "f**k off" and Britney repeated "Don't f**k with me."

Thus, line 3 means everyone is being intimidated by Britney into keeping their mouths shut and not tell any truth or speak their mind, even if they only have her best interests in mind.

Line 4 tells us that whoever Britney is waiting for or is in serious need of will finally arrive ... but he will arrive late. He can arrive late, but still in time, or he can arrive too late ... too late to save her from whatever mess she is in or, worse, from herself. 

That is up to Britney.

Sixain 44: Half Bright and Half Dark

There are two translations for this sixain, one Corsican and the other French. I will present both. Nostradamus often used both, as well as Provencal, Latin, and rarely Italian.

The first three lines in French and Corsican are identical. However, the last three lines are quite different. The Corsican version actually provides the best outcome and solves many problems presented by Quatrain 5.96, "at the time of need the awaited one will come late," and Quatrain 10.47, what appears to be certain doom for "The Lady of the Garland." However, the French version of the last three lines is the darkest prophecy for The Rose imaginable and would easily fall into the category of Gothic horror. 

Nostradamus, Sixain 44 (Corsican translation)

The beautiful rose in France admired by a very great Prince to the desired end, six hundred and ten, when her loves are born. Five years later, she will be seriously injured, by the stroke of Love she will be entwined, if after fifteen years of Heaven she receives help.

The first three lines in French and Corsican are identical. However, the last three lines are quite different. The Corsican version actually provides the best outcome and solves many problems presented by Quatrain 5.96, "at the time of need the awaited one will come late," and Quatrain 10.47, what appears to be certain doom for "The Lady of the Garland." However, the French version of the last three lines is the darkest prophecy for The Rose imaginable.

I won't pretend that I entirely understand this sixain, but the Corsican translation appears to be one of the happiest ones for Britney Spears, if she is indeed The Rose. But in French, it is only happiness in the first three lines.

In both versions, she will attract and perhaps marry a royal prince and have more children (or affairs)

Then again, the admiration she receives from a Prince may have already happened many years ago. But if there was to be a desired end it failed to materialize:

The second half of the sixain can be translated two ways. 

In the Corsican version, after being seriously injured at age 48, possibly in a car accident, Britney Spears as "The Rose" will be entwined by the stroke of Love, suggesting another relationship to follow.

Is it possible that THIS was the serious injury? The foot damaged during a fight at the Chateau Marmont?

Unfortunately, the answer is probably "NO." 

The injury is to occur five years after she has more children or else five years after a string of romantic affairs. Five years ago was 2019, and that year is not remarkable in any way regarding having children or many affairs. She was involved with Sam Asghari, who she married in 2022, and Paul Richard Soliz since last year. Hardly a string of serious romances, and, of course, 2019 was remarkable only in that she announced Project Rose would be coming soon, which it did in 2020. 

If I haven't stated such, I should now, many Nostradamus scholars consider the sixains as being potentially spurious. We can't be 100% sure the French prophet even wrote it, and it may even have been written by his pupil, astrologer Jean-Aimé de Chavigny. It is potentially important, nonetheless, because it is one of a small handful of predictions attributed to Nostradamus that mention "the Rose" as a person. But the warning light is on; it could be false.

So, if the sixain is right, it has to be about a future event, including the line, "when her loves are born." If that fails to happen within the next year or two at most, the sixain is likely to fail. If it is fulfilled, then an injury will occur five years later, likely in 2030.

But how do we know that the year 2030, when Britney Spears is 48, is the year she might have a non-fatal but serious injury, possibly during a car accident? That is arrived at using my base 7 system: history repeats itself at intervals of 7 years, but far more often, intermittently at multiples of seven years such as 21, 28, 42, 63, 98, and other multiples of 7 years. Some of these years are very important by themselves. 

In June 1967, the famed blonde actress Jayne Mansfield died in a car crash on the way to a nightclub engagement during the early morning hours. 35 (5 x 7) years later, in 2002, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes and Linda Lovelace both died from injuries sustained in car crashes only days apart. One year short of 21 years later, in 2022, actress Anne Heche died in a horrific car accident.

But not all historical repeats are necessarily fatal ones. When Britney was 13 in 1995, she had a very close call:

Because of what happened to Britney in 1995, it seems to confirm her status as "The Rose" of the sixain.

As Britney reveals more and more of her body to her adoring fans and public, she may shift from a Marilyn Monroe type figure to one like Jayne Mansfield. Thus, 35 years after the close call she had in 1995, The Rose may face yet another in 2030, but will survive it according to the sixain. This repeat may be so conditional that it may not be a very serious injury at all or even, yet again, just another close call.

The start of Britney's first year of Heaven, post-conservatorship, would be either 2021 (she was freed from conservatorship in November 2021) or else 2022 as her first calendar year of freedom. Fifteen years later would be either November or December 2036 or else some time in 2037 prior to December, when she is either 54 going on 55 years old or else is 55 years old, still very beautiful. She will need help from someone fast. I think this relates to the "Lady Of The Garland" quatrain, when a Spanish court tries her for treason and sentences her to death. This would also relate to Quatrain 5.96, "when needed the expected one will come late." This "expected one" may bail her out of the mess she is in somehow, thus remedying the disaster suggested in the final half of Quatrain 10.47 when she will be rescued from the mob waiting to tear her to pieces. 

When something "is to be" it is not the same as "will be." There is some wiggle room, therefore, and Quatrain 5.96 seems to provide the awaited help, whether it comes from a male or female is not stated. I would also guess that charges against her will be made up and not true, that she will be set up for a big fall by evil people, probably some of the same "false fans" that will be waiting for her in the murderous crowd.

Nostradamus, Sixain 44 (French translation)

The beautiful rose in France admired by a very great Prince to the desired end, six hundred and ten, when her loves are born. Five years later, she will be seriously injured by the stroke of Love, she will be buried, if at fifteen years of age from Heaven she received help.

The French translation of the first half of the sixain is exactly the same. I have provided an alternative interpretation concerning what "her loves" may be: rather than having more children, by pregnancy or adoption, the "loves" are a large number of extramarital affairs if she is married or else simply a lot of affairs if she is not. 

The second half of the sixain is darker, that by the stroke of love itself she is injured (injured by love, a broken heart, a romance that ends badly or too soon). Then she is not "entwined" by love but ends up BURIED (as in dead and buried, see image, above right, of Britney enclosing herself in a stone coffin). 

The final line is very obscure in French, and in that translation, she is supposed to have received help "from Heaven" when she was 15 years old. It appears if she received help at 15 she will find only a broken heart, sadness and death at age 48 in the year 2030. That sadly could be a consequence of having so many affairs. Enough affairs and one might find the perfect match, but what if you lose that person? The love interest may even die rather than breaking off the relationship. Odd what the changing of so few words can do.

Perhaps The Rose is aware of the sixain prediction, after all? If so, perhaps she is hinting and joking at that in the news article above. That would be a good thing, indicating she has everything under control. Her return to finding God again is also positive if it relates to the Corsican version rather than the French, indicating the 15 years of Heaven are 15 years of God belief.

Despite the happier ending of the Corsican translation, it is still dark. The trial, the sentence handed down, being transported to almost certain death ... all dark. Yet help arrives just in the nick of time. On the other hand, the French version of lines 4 and 5 are as dark as dark can get with the final line merely mysterious, but of no real help for The Rose.

SUMMARY: The Truth Has Been Confirmed: Britney Spears IS The Rose of Prophecy

Events seems to be moving in a more positive direction for Britney again. And "Project Rose" is much more than an art or photo project.

Fans keep thinking they have "figured it out" but they are always wrong and tend to overlook contrary evidence.

Fans thought they figured it out in 2021 when Britney hired lawyer Mathew Rosengart. He was the one who helped her terminate the conservatorship.

Impossible. She started a preview to the Rose project as long ago as 2019. It began officially in 2020. At neither time was Rosengart being considered for anything. The #FreeBritney Movement had not even taken off yet. Fans were still guessing whether Britney was alright or not alright based on a series of coded messages they had jointly made up, including a color scheme. 

Plus, she continued to use the rose image, including a portrait of England's Rose, Princess Diana, who she identifies with, long after being freed from conservatorship. Roses have been visible in some dance settings as well. Maria River Red may be an attempt to put the red rose into an alter ego, a reminder that the Rose is alive and well.

However, it is the cover of Britney’s new book under the external cover that really shows us The Rose is Britney and will continue to be.

Britney has made the rose her device. What do I mean by that? A device can be a stylized emblem, badge, impresa, heraldic symbol, cypher, standard, flag, family coat of arms ... really anything symbolic a person has associated himself or herself with or their family. It is normally and historically associated with a member of royalty. Most famously the moon or lunar crescent (and other lunar symbols) was the device of Henri II's mistress, Diane de Poiters, because her first name was the same as the Roman goddess Diana, goddess of the moon. 

Why Britney chose the Rose as her emblem is unknown, but it is possible that she identifies strongly with Princess Diana, England's Rose, and has also read enough Nostradamus prophecy online about the role of The Rose to be inspired into making it her own personal symbol. In any event, she is the first non-royal person of fame to use a personal device in centuries.

January 24, 2024: A New Reminder that The Rose is Alive and Well

In an avalanche of photos, videos, and messages, Britney shared this with us ... leaving no doubt whatsoever as to her status as The Rose of prophecy, and that the Rose remains her personal emblem!

A Dark but Different Rose

Nostradamus foresaw a famous female renown for many years as a blonde actress, dancer and singer... one who would be greater than all previous blonde female entertainers. However, in several quatrains he indicates another famous female such as she would be a redhead, adored and loved, but thoroughly evil.

Someone recently emailed me that the "Rose" (who I still believe to be pop sensation Britney Spears) will actually be a Canadian ... a redhead who will turn out to be the Whore of Babylon (or else another forerunner). 

Then again, one has to wonder why Britney has changed her name to "Maria River Red"? Has she future plans for dying her hair red?

How evil could this redheaded "Rose" be or become? We sincerely hope if Britney becomes a redhead, she does not turn to the ways of evil. But as for the female from Canada there is no way to know. The following quatrain gives us an idea, and it is pretty bad:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.80 ~

Of the innocents, the blood of widows and virgins, so many evils done by means of the great Red, holy simulacrums dipped in a burning candle, from terror and fear, no one will be seen who moves. 

Nostradamus, Quatrain 9.46 ~

The Red one flees from Toulouse, a sacrifice to make atonement. The leader of evil under the shadow of gourds: Strangled to death, a carnal prophecy. 

This woman's enemies could come from the religious right, Evangelical Christians and Catholics. "The leader of evil" would seem an unlikely figure to be associated with this group. Unless he is using Christianity as a cover for his otherwise evil intentions.

Then again it must always be remembered that in Biblical prophecy, the beast and his ten "knights" always hate the Whore of Babylon and seek her destruction. What happens in Revelation could easily be prefigured archetypically a number of times in the future, and this could be the first notable case. If so, this leader may well be an Antichrist figure. Thus this "Dark Rose" may have enemies from the Far Right and also from the Far Left ... and I suspect this "leader of evil" is from the Far Left. He may even be the head of the Illuminati.

In the rather ambiguous prediction above (which in some renderings has her trying to escape "the reds" or "the red ones"), the iconic female may break with the radical Left and gradually become the enemy of the Wokeists, Antifa, and so-called Progressives ... for they are nothing more than mindless Revolutionaries seeking to overthrow the government and take over the country as they have taken control of the streets since 2020. It is sad to say but perhaps it will be lack of protection anywhere in the world that may drive her to conform to the strange prophecies of Nostradamus.

It must be remembered that Britney Spears is the only logical candidate for being "the Rose" and "the Lady of the Garland" at this time

It is not entirely certain that Britney Spears will be "the Rose" or "the Lady of the Garland" ... but she is the only publicly visible and famous candidate we have right now.


There are many ways to be linked to ancient goddesses such as Isis and Ishtar without ending up as a forerunner or actual incarnation of The Whore of Babylon. This linkage is not always bad. The late Princess Diana as a new future goddess Diana for example has an indirect linkage to Ishtar and the result did not make her the Whore of Babylon nor will it in the supernatural future. But there is one association that is dark indeed and promises certain doom and death for the female archetype or actual figure in the end if the link is direct. Pop star Madonna made such a direct relationship and became the first universal archetype, but after the Madame X tour she retired from it in the nick of time, I believe, and in so doing saved herself. However, most females who make a direct link to the WOB will not be so fortunate. Burning, beheading, strangulation, garroting, being torn to pieces or cannibalized by mobs, falling to their deaths from a great height, and other terrible endings are what lie in wait for all those who follow this darkest of rose paths.

The Rose is closely associated with the goddess Isis, one of the major Egyptian deities that would evolve into the worship of Ishtar and her human representative, Semiramis, the original "whore of Babylon." It is also associated with Hecate, goddess of the crossroads and the underworld, the third member of the triple goddess Diana/Selene/Hecate (which evolved centuries later from the goddess Ishtar). Hecate wore a garland of roses in her hair. The rose also was a symbol for Aphrodite and Cybele, both later manifestations of Ishtar. In Christianity the rose becomes the Rosa Mystica and is associated with the Virgin Mary.

So, it would certainly appear that Britney Spears was attempting to escape the underworld (her conservatorship) as Hecate, even wearing a garland of roses in her hair for this purpose, and sharing her body with her fans and followers on Instagram as the sacred prostitute goddess Ishtar. She has done this in hopes of rising "above the middle of the great world" as Semiramis, the human goddess form of Ishtar.

Thus, she may become the most serious successor to Madonna in the role of "Whore of Babylon." Others like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift (as popular as she is), Beyonce, and others have all fallen by the roadside. In the space of three years she eclipsed almost everything Madonna ever achieved. In the next three years, Britney Spears could actually become what Madonna aspired to be for nearly 40 years.

In my opinion she was making all the right moves, even down to that garland of Hecate (have no doubts that she may well be "the Lady of Garland"). She even latched on to a man, Sam Asghari, who could have been transformed into the sacrificial god, the Sumerian Tammuz. His Egyptian counterpart was Osiris. One more reason she may have worn the garland of Hecate, so that she could symbolically descend into Hades to attain even greater power.

The goddess Ishtar allowed her consort to be killed as a sacrifice to take her place in the underworld. In one tale, out of remorse following a period of great mourning, she has the sister of Tammuz spend six months of each year in Hades, allowing Tammuz to return to life and reign with her the other six months. Thus, if only for six months a year, Tammuz has been resurrected.

Ishtar was moody, changing rapidly from love to enmity. She protected her favorites, but brought doom upon those who dishonored her, sometimes with terrible consequences for whole nations. 

Note how Britney has been rewarding and heaping thanks on those who have supported her during the 13 years of conservatorship and helping her seek freedom, and yet is periodically set to wreak a terrible revenge against members of her family who she blames for those lost years, especially father Jamie, but  also all those she feels have not supported her (even in some cases people who HAVE supported her). This moodiness that Britney exhibits, time again, is likely manic-depression. Her highs are giddy and fantastic, her lows at worst are destructive and self-destructive ... it is her fits of depression that got her into trouble and conservatorship to begin with.

The mortal Ishtar, Semiramis, was married to the Babylonian king, Nimrod. She had an adulterous affair while married to Nimrod and during that time Nimrod died violently. Afterwards she gave birth to a son, Tammuz. To avoid being discovered as an adulteress, she made the claim that Nimrod had become the sun god after his death and had miraculously impregnated her with the sun's rays. She then declared that Tammuz was Nimrod reincarnated. 

Gratefully, we can see no connection between Britney and Semiramis on that count at least.

This is the OCCULT version of the Ishtar/Tammuz myth, one which has been radically altered. The occult version was created so as to conform with the prophecies of the Whore of Babylon and the beast, both found together in the Book of Revelation. The plan is to fulfill an alternative version of the prophecy where the whore is exalted but later killed by the beast who reigns for a thousand years. It is Man's attempt to subvert prophecy so as to achieve his own ends, but they will fail and God's word will be fulfilled as promised.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.73 ~

In a large city a monk and an artisan,
Lodged near the door, gate and at the walls:
Secret against Modena, in a cellar speaking,
 Betrayed under the false color of marriages.

There is one female Nostradamus could not possibly have ignored, and there are personalities in his prophecies that clearly are NOT members of royalty. Rather, they are a future elite, renown for other reasons, and likely for certain talents and abilities that have nothing to with leadership. In modern terms we call them celebrities, stars, or pop sensations. One of these appears under different guises, but especially as a "supreme one" who has blonde hair, "the antic dame," the "whore" (of Babylon), and a variation of her actual name: Modena.

Although Modena is a town in Italy, it is used as a person in one of his quatrains. It makes no sense as a town in the prophecy, only as a personality. "Modena" can be used as a personal (or first) name. There are sixteen related names for Modena, names that Nostradamus could have substituted "Modena" for, including Medina, Modene, Modenna, Maudine, and Madina. One of these sixteen related names, of course, is MADONNA. 

This woman will forever be remembered. Even 100 years from now, 200 years or more, she will be emulated and studied. 

She was the first of her kind: a true "Whore of Babylon" (a role she created and encouraged to be associated with her), Goddess of the Occult, and Highest Priestess of Kabbalah in modern times. Indeed, a very intriguing creature.

She was ... for decades... "the Greatest Show on Earth." 

Her musical talent, her elaborate choreographed sets, her masterful dance and showmanship, her shrewd, aggressive and brilliant self-promotion, her image, her persona, her raw and thoroughly wicked sexuality, her contrariness and unpredictablity, her controversies ... only in myth or legend did such a being ever exist as Madonna. 

Cultural impact of Madonna 

Called the "Queen of Pop", Madonna is labeled by international authors as the greatest woman in music, as well as the most influential and iconic female recording artist of all time. 

A global cultural icon, Madonna has built a legacy that goes beyond music and has been studied by sociologists, historians and other social scientists. Her impact is often compared with that of The Beatles and Elvis Presley; they are the best selling acts of all time in the general, solo male and female category respectively. Madonna is a key figure in popular music; critics have retrospectively credited her presence, success and contributions with paving the way for every female artist and changing forever the music scene for women in the music history, as well as for today's pop stars. Even reviews of her work have served as a roadmap for scrutinizing women at each stage in their music career. 

Madonna is the first multimedia pop icon in history and professionals agree that she has become the world's biggest and most socially significant pop icon, as well as the most controversial. However, some intellectuals, like the Frenchman Georges Claude Guilbert, felt that she has greater cultural importance, like a myth, that has apparent universality and timelessness." "Madonna is the first and only multimedia figure in the history of popular culture. Madonna as a pop icon and figure on popular culture has generated scrutine analysis, but some journalists and critics like Carol Clerk wrote that "during her career, Madonna has transcended the term 'pop star' to become a global cultural icon." Andrew Morton wrote in his book Madonna (2002) that "she is the undisputed female icon of the modern age". Also cited as one of the most fascinating women and enigmatic in current history. Madonna is part of the Culture of United States and an American icon. Authors in American Icons (2006) felt that "like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley or Coca-Cola, Madonna image is immediately recognizable around the world and instantly communicates many of the values of U.S. culture." 

The accolades go on and on. People may laugh, but how would it have been possible for Nostradamus to NOT have foreseen her life, career, religion, cultural impact on the WORLD as well as the US ... and yes, her death. There is no question that he also saw the advent and tragic demise of Princess Diana, who he actually named as Diana in several quatrains. I don't believe for one moment that Madonna is the only other female beside Diana he foresaw ... there are other famous females who do not sound like anyone who has ever existed nor appear to be about Madonna either. 


The Whore of Babylon role was Madonna's own creation and had its beginnings back in 1993 when she recorded and appeared in the video remix, “Justify My Love” (The Beast Within Mix). Madonna and co-writer Lenny Kravitz replaced the verses of "Justify My Love" with excerpts from the Book of Revelation. She appeared as the whore of Babylon and the beast in the video. This move was prefigured by her controversial video of "Like A Prayer" in 1989.

The Re-Invention World Tour (billed as Re-Invention World Tour 2004) was the sixth concert tour by singer-songwriter Madonna. It was tentatively named the Whore of Babylon World Tour 2004. However it was changed to The Re-Invention World Tour, and that was officially confirmed by Caresse Henry on March 23, 2004.

I consider the actual start of her role as "The Whore of Babylon" as beginning during The Confessions Tour in 2006. The tour's performance of "Live to Tell" faced strong reaction from religious groups, as it found Madonna wearing a crown of thorns while being raised on a mirrored cross, simulating the crucifixion of Jesus. She was wearing a scarlet blouse at the time, a color (along with purple) associated with the Whore of Babylon as portrayed in Revelation. 

From that point on Madonna continued to engage in the conceit of being this Biblical figure in various ways, including being declared a goddess during the halftime show of Superbowl 2012.

Her role as the most infamous woman in future history came to an abrupt end after 13 long years when injuries made it difficult to continue her Madame X Tour with any degree of continuity. The COVID-19 pandemic was the final nail in the coffin, bringing about a premature conclusion.

Madonna is the archetype upon which many future whores of Babylon may be recreated. Some will fall short of her greatness, others equally as great will unfortunately not have her endurance (her endurance up to early 2020 anyway), some will fall victim to tragic circumstances before they can fully prove themselves.

But one will surely persevere, and work her magic and talent in seductive ways, denying no one anything within the realm of imagination, even the knowledge of her own body. 

Since 2020 there has been little evidence that she wishes to continue the role, although she performed a burning death of a redheaded whore of Babylon in an Instagram video and also approved of artwork in Vanity Fair portraying her as Jesus at the Last Supper in the company of twelve whores.

I guess we'll know if she has finally ditched the role when she tours later in 2023.

SO What's It All About Now?

Apparently it is about what it was all about in the 1980's and parts of the 1990's, even in the early Noughties.

In one word it is about "SEX."

Once again, Madonna has returned to an earlier role: as a sex symbol ... or at least her idea of what a sex symbol should look like, which sadly has been hit and miss with her these days. 

Once again she plays the sex card, sometimes successfully and maybe for the last time, or maybe for the next few hundred years. No one has endured in the world of pop music and film as an icon with a global following for as many years as she did up until the pandemic hit. 

At age 64, Madonna has toyed with various images, including posing as Marilyn Monroe in the famous actress's final photo shoot and also as she was discovered: dead and naked in bed.

There is no way Nostradamus could have overlooked such a blonde-haired figure (one who "spent too much time a high blonde"), one so great she is or once was "supreme" over all others, even if this type of fame was all but unknown back in the mid 1500's. The earliest opera was written and performed in 1597 ... some thirty years after the prophet's death ... and that is lost. The comedies and plays performed in ancient Greece and Rome pre-dated Nostradamus by over a thousand years. The concept of pop music or an entertainment world did not exist. Yet he writes about a future empress who is murdered while "seated above the orchestra" (suggesting she is watching from a balcony). These things did not exist in his time, but he knew about them all the same. 

Madonna appears to have several favorite personas she uses on Instagram and elsewhere.

One of these I have always thought was about her positive stand concerning transhumanism ... the end and reversal of the aging process and biological immortality via computer and AI robotics technology. In this photo taken a while ago, she looks very much like an AI robot ... the kind many men (and some women) are paying thousands of dollars and euros for to serve as sexual partners (but without the strange hair):

I considered the possibility that she might volunteer to pioneer this form of life extension, even to demonstrate what humans will need to do. Of course, one necessary stage would be an interfacing of the organic brain with an AI brain. New language skills would have to be learned as semi-robotic, immortal humans would have to speak and understand the vocabulary and reasoning algorithms of artificially intelligent speech. Another would be to treat the human face as a canvas upon which one can "paint" any type of expression and personality.

As intriguing a concept as that might have been, the mysteries and potentials surrounding the immediate aftermath of Madonna's cosmetic surgery last year are finally subsiding. 

For approximately a nine-month period, she found an identity that worked very well: that of a buxom, shapely, sexy redhead. News services picked up on this as their favorite image to use (although there is another one they have used more recently that is quite awful).

Anyone can make a mistake though, in any case. I thought she looked great before this most recent surgery happened last year. The only attacks she got were the possible use of filters to make her look decades younger. But some photos taken of her in public without filters and before the surgical mishap showed a woman who looked a good ten or fifteen years younger than her age. She should have left well enough alone. 

In any event, the filler dissolving technique she planned, along with a rumored slight corrective surgery, apparently did the trick. Plus now, partly due to her planned Celebration tour, she is back to being a blonde again, at least for the time being. 

Madonna made blonde bigger than anyone, including Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield, previously the two most famous blondes in history. The only other ultra famous blonde today is Britney Spears.

She made the change in June 2023, a few weeks before being found unresponsive and rushed to the hospital with a near fatal sepsis infection.  Overly focusing on the planned tour made her unaware of the signs and symptoms of just how ill she was becoming. Thankfully she pulled through, frightening and worrying many of us during her hospitalization. The tour will still go ahead, but will start much later than originally planned. Which is just as well. Better no tour at all than to lose Madonna to such a tragedy. Regardless of what a spiteful, hateful youth believes, 64 is young by today's standards, thanks to the marvels of medical science over the last 30 years or so and a much longer life span on average. 

Future Enemies: What Role Will She Play?

One big question is what role will Madonna play that will earn her so many enemies, including the "monk and artisan" of Quatrain 6.73 (at top). 

Her Celebration tour will largely focus on the music she recorded in the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's ... well before the Confessions Tour of 2006 that sealed her role as Whore of Babylon. It has been characterized as a largely erotic extravaganza that "will have outrageous sex appeal," focusing on the diva's various sexually-charged personas over her first two decades. 

There has been no indication that she will resume any of the kinds of religiously controversial roles she engaged in between 2006 and 2020 that earned her the title of "Whore of Babylon."

But perhaps this will not remain the case indefinitely. Her Vanity Fair portrayal of herself as a female Christ at the Last Supper in the company of twelve whores earned her considerable contempt from the religious right and the Catholic Church.

Nostradamus seemed to believe that extremists from the religious right would conspire against her in some manner. In Quatrain 6.73 we are introduced to two of these figures, although what secret deed they are planning for her is never stated. Nor is it clear who she is speaking to in a cellar.

The city is huge. It could be any of the major cities or capitals of the world, such as Rome, Paris, London, or New York ... or could it even be Montreal? 

Madonna's enemies are always perceived to be from the religious right. However, in the future, she may have enemies from both the Far Right and from the Far Left. There are a number of people who once followed the Far Left and Woke ideology who have abandoned those views and political contacts. When that happens, they become potential targets marked for Far Left vengeance.

Hamas Terror and Murder of Women and Children Pits Madonna against Far Left.

Madonna, in fact, has broken with the Far Left during the last few days now that she has condemned Hamas for the public abduction, rape, and murder of innocents of all ages in Gaza and the desecration of the bodies of those they have murdered, supporting Israel and its war on Hamas. The Far Left, especially members of The Squad such as Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, and AOC, fully support Hamas and condemn Israel and all Jews. There is bound to be a major rift between Madonna and the Far Left now.

One other religion, besides Catholicism and Evangelical Christianity, that Madonna may have to worry about is Islam.

In 2004, Madonna cancelled three concerts in Israel after Palestinian terrorists threatened to kill her and her two children. The singer was said to be terrified when she received threatening letters from an unnamed Palestinian group which mentioned details about her children, Lourdes, 7, and three-year-old Rocco, British newspaper The Sun reported. It quoted a source as saying Madonna was targeted because she was a symbol of the West and not because she practices the Jewish faith Kabbalah.

Five years later, in January 2009, the pop icon received death threats from Muslim extremists following the Israel Defense Forces' month-long offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to a report by the newspaper People. The report stated that an internet site affiliated with Muslim extremists quoted a top official of the Palestinian Popular Front committees' saying "If I meet her? I will have the honor of being first to behead her if they continue to spread their satanic culture against Islam."

An ISIS representative made a similar comment some years later, but the report seems to be missing. The "caliphate" as they called themselves believed she symbolized everything Western and decadent the group despised.

So, this is yet another direction from which Madonna could one day find herself imperiled. This part of the world may well be where a future Antichrist may be lurking.

The Blonde Supreme: A Seductive Femme Fatale

Madonna could probably live to be 120 ... longer if medical science offers a breakthrough in the next decade. With her great wealth and power, she would be among the first in line to live another 220 to 800 years. 

800 years? Really? How would that be possible?

In the final revision by Nostradamus of his Epistle to Henry II, he gives the year 2827 AD as the final year of future human history before the Second Coming of Christ and Millennial reign. 

Also, in The Book of Revelation, Chapter 9 reveals that humanity will finally achieve a kind of biological immortality. Demonic locusts from Hell will sting them for five months but there will be no relief from their torment because: 

"In those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

Obviously if Madonna became such an immortal creature, she could actually become the REAL Whore of Babylon!

But she has one other problem that goes back to her "Bad Girl" video days ... as well as the films she also made back then where she always ended up dead in the end. 

If she fails to refrain from glorifying her own death in photo shoots and shorts, her years may still be greatly reduced if two consecutive Nostradamus prophecies pertain to her. Perhaps her recent brush with death was even a warning. 

Madonna spent so many years in the role (or teasing the role) of the Whore of Babylon, as long ago as the "Like A Prayer" video in 1989, it left a permanent impression on Nostradamus. Nostradamus gave the procreation of "Babylon, a miserable harlot" an existence of "seventy-three years and seven months" in his Epistle to Henry II. This concerns the establishment of a future Babylon the Great, a major economic, entertainment, and strategic defensive hub in central Iraq that will be created by France and the West after World War III in the 2040's. But it is clearly ... or else coincidentally ... linked to Quatrain 6.74 because of the "seventy-three years and seven months" time frame, thus it functions as a numeric code for someone in that prophecy.

In Quatrain 6.74 he gives a famous female until the age of "three and seventy" (73) years before being killed by conspirators, her death in some odd way a triumphant one for her. By predicting it in a quatrain that is 74th of century 6, he is indicating it will be 73 years plus a number of months. It is likely it is the same number of months as in EPH2: "seven months."

What is really scary is that this quatrain immediately follows the "Modena" quatrain (Quatrain 6.73):

So here we are again:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.73 ~

In a large city a monk and an artisan, lodged near the door, gate and at the walls:  Secret against Modena, in a cellar speaking, betrayed under false color of marriages. 

I am wondering if the word "marriages" (or "nuptials") is actually singular. That is "the false color of a marriage." Could it be a false marriage? This phony marriage may still be in the future! 

As I mentioned earlier, I did some checking and "Modena" can also be used as a personal name. There are sixteen related names for Modena, names that Nostradamus could have substituted "Modena" for, including Medina, Modene, Modenna, Maudine, and Madina. One of these sixteen related names, of course, is "MADONNA." 

Quatrain 6.74 immediately follows:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.74 ~

Chased out she will return to the realm, her enemies found to be conspirators: More than ever her time will triumph, three and seventy to death very sure.

Quatrain 6.74 is usually applied to Queen Elizabeth I who died at age 70. Nostradamus says she will die, "too surely", at "three and seventy" (73) but the commentators determined to make the quatrain work in favor of Elizabeth I explain the "three" as being the year of her death: 1603. I don't buy it; the seer did not combine an age and a year together as a phrase like "three and seventy" in that manner anywhere in his work. If he said "three and seventy" he indeed intended that to mean 73, the old style of saying an age in both English and French.

The 73-year-old woman of Quatrain 6.74 is therefore a mystery. Most Nostradamus scholars who do not buy into the Queen Elizabeth I theory are clueless as to who she is. She does not correspond to anyone in the history of royalty since the death of Nostradamus in 1566 nor any famous entertainer or actress in modern history. 

However, the fact that Quatrain 6.74 follows the Modena/Madonna prophecy in Quatrain 6.73 certainly suggests that this is again Modena/Madonna.

For some reason some of Nostradamus' quatrains, although largely scattered as to chronological order, retained their original sequence. We see this here and there in other places, sometimes as many as three quatrains in a row that are related, as well as a pairing. 

Thus, Quatrain 6.73 and Quatrain 6.74 may be unrelated, but because Madonna has called herself the Whore of Babylon in the past, this relates her to "Babylon, a miserable harlot" who has an existence of "seventy-three years and seven months" in the Epistle to Henry II. That, in turn, would seem to relate to "three & seventy to death too sure" (Quatrain 6.74).  

If Nostradamus did throw his prophecies up in the air like so much confetti and then picked up the pieces and published them in whatever sequence he picked each up, a method I somewhat doubt, we would expect no relationship to 6.73 or 6.74 from either 6.72 or 6.75. At best, one of these might be related to form a rarer series of three, but certainly not four in a row. I don't believe I have ever seen four related quatrains in a row. But three, in a few cases, I have.

Still, it may simply be a coincidence and nothing more. 

December 21, 2023: Given what happened to Madonna back in August 2023, the infection that nearly killed her, there is some good justification for turning her near brush with death into art during her concert tour. Everybody was worried about what happened then, including me. But it is still far from a certain thing that Quatrain 6.74 actually applies to Madonna. Age 73 going on 74 is still so young these days, especially for females. Take out suicide, drug overdoses, and COVID, and the actual life expectancy for both men and women would be approaching 85. She can fight this thing if and when it comes ... she fought Death in 2023 and won, and can keep winning ... if not for her sake than that of her fans and her children.

Nevertheless, this report is troubling, because the context is not known save for those who attended the concert. Is she warning her fans that she feels her time is short and senses her mortality following behind her in the form of a shape that may be Death or the Grim Reaper? Or is this yet another playful, artful form of death wish and sense of imminence in action that is almost an invitation to the dance?

We need to examine the quatrains before 6.73, the Modena quatrain, and the ones following 6.74 to determine how likely 6.73 and 6.74 are actually consecutive and linked.

So what happens after 6.74 ... the verse that seems to deal with the death of "Modena" at age 73 and 7 months?

Nothing related it would appear:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.75 ~

The great Pilot will be commissioned by the King, to leave the fleet to fill a higher post: Seven years after he will be in rebellion, Venice to fear the Barbarian army.

Then again, the great Pilot is seen here paying his respects to Madonna. Could be after the funeral?

The "barbarian army" could indicate the coming East-West global war when Iran, Central Asia, and other countries throughout Asia will ally to form a "great Empire of Antichrist." Thus it could be related to 6.74 by time, but timing only. Then again, Nostradamus predicted seven world wars to come between 1914 and 2827. Plus a number of large, devastating regional wars that will not be considered global wars. Thus, this quatrain is impossible to pin down as part of a sequence. That is partly because this is the only time "the great Pilot" shows up anywhere. Nothing in any other verse by Nostradamus to compare him with.

What about the quatrain before the "Modena quatrain" (6.73)?

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.72 ~

Through feigned fury of divine emotion the wife of the great one is  violated: The judges to condemn such a doctrine, she is sacrificed a victim to the ignorant people. 

The wife of a "great one" (a very famous, rich, or powerful man) is raped. The circumstances of the act are such that the case is thrown out of court, but the victim is also harmed in some way by the local, regional, or world community. This one could apply in these unjust times, but only if Madonna marries a very powerful man, which is not too likely.

The quatrain that precedes this one, 6.71, is about the death of the future "great Monarch" of France and of the world who Nostradamus names as Chyren and Chiren in different quatrains. They are rearranged letters of the name Henryc (Henric or Henrick in the old French spelling of Henry). This man has either not yet appeared on the scene or else was pretender to the French throne, Henri, Count of Chambord and Duke of Bordeaux, who briefly reigned as king of France for only one week in 1830, dying at age 62 on August 24, 1883. Many who study Catholic prophecy believe Henri will be one of those counted among the saints to be resurrected from the dead during the three days of darkness. This "little resurrection" will be a one time thing, not having happened since the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, when many saints were also resurrected, and not to happen again until the time of the Great Throne Judgment following the Second Coming of Christ. In any case, Henri will marry like any normal man despite being restored from the dead.

Thus the wife of the future Henry V may be the one who is "violated" (raped) ...  a scandal Nostradamus allowed to appear after the death of Henry in Quatrain 6.71. She would be more likely to display a "divine emotion" and be seen in God's favor as the wife of the great Monarch. However, some historians believe this was about the rape and later murder by the mob of Marie Antoinette's best friend and confidant, Princess de Lamballe (Marie Thérèse Louise of the House of Savoy). Others say it was an substantiated accusation of rape by Marie Antoinette herself while in captivity: one more scandalous log on the fire propelling her to the guillotine by the angry, exasperated Revolutionary judiciary and the French people as well. Never was a queen so well loved and so well hated.

In any event, we appear to have two linked quatrains, 6.73 and 6.74, although it still is not necessarily so. At best, I would give their being linked no more than a 1 in 4 chance. Thus, their link could still be coincidental. But if they are linked, the information in 6.74 is of extreme importance to Madonna as it gives the age and time of her death: age 73 years and 7 months in March 2032. What it does not do is tell us why she dies ... or how

Only one other quatrain gives us that information, providing it actually is to be applied to Madonna: Quatrain 1.39 ... which has never been fulfilled.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 1.39 ~

At night (or nude) in bed, the supreme one strangled for having spent too much time a high blonde: By three the Empire substituted, enslaved, put to death by card, letter nor packet read. 

I would point out that it matters little if Madonna, if this is her and not someone else, is blonde at this time. She may revert to being a redhead or copper-haired, or even raven-haired black, for that matter. She will always be remembered as one of the most famous blondes in history regardless of what her hair color is at age 73. At this time she is a blonde again, but after the Celebration tour is over, she could change once again to any hair style or color. Either way, it doesn't matter. She already has spent most of her career as a high (elevated) blonde, too long a period of time for Nostradamus not to have noticed ... one so great she was "supreme" over all others.

Nor can we overlook the fact that he says the supreme one with blonde hair will be found naked in bed ... which sounds very much like Marilyn Monroe. The first line of Quatrain 1.39 when read in modern French renders two possibilities depending on the punctuation: "At night in bed, the supreme strangled, for having spent too much time a blonde" or "Naked in bed, the supreme strangled, for having spent too much time a blonde" (also "having tarried for too long" or "having endured for too long"). The punctuation used, or if the quatrain is read in Corsican rather than in French ... and Nostradamus did write some of his verses in Corsican ... can change the wording ever so slightly or ever so radically in places. This is why over the years I have produced as many as five different translations of whatever major quatrains I tend to focus on often that have yet to be fulfilled.

Why does the blonde woman of this quatrain die? Apparently she is murdered or made a human sacrifice, possibly by two other people, possibly even by two other women. 

But there are also two overriding concerns, both from the past, that could be influences: 1) the Illuminati, and 2) Madonna herself.

The 2011-12 period (3 x 7 years earlier by the base 7 system) will be quite powerful in 2032. What happened then one might well ask?


No matter what Madonna does, she could end up like singer Whitney Houston.

Houston's career was long over by February 2012, yet she still was made a human sacrifice by the Illuminati ... at the same time Madonna was being exalted as a goddess during the Superbowl half time. The time had come for Whitney to pay the band. And likewise, for Madonna there may be no escape ... for hers could be an Illuminati-orchestrated murder, and she a willing or unwilling human sacrifice.

Whitney Houston was an Illuminati human sacrifice, sacrificed to the goddess Madonna! 

Alors que la plus célèbre a été faite DÉESSE sur le terrain du Superbowl, Whitney Houston a été forcée de prendre de la cocaïne et d'autres drogues, puis mise à nu et forcée de mourir dans la baignoire. Elle a été approchée par derrière puis sa tête a plongé et maintenue sous l'eau pour se noyer. La vérité sur sa mort est toujours gardée secrète ... seule une partie a été révélée.

Tout comme ce fut le cas de Rebecca Zahau quelques mois plus tôt, un autre sacrifice ultime de l'homme ... forcé à être lié, puis pendu nu par son cou d'une fenêtre haute à une longue mort. Une exécution publique. Un « mis en scène l'homicide. » «Du sang sur ses jambes» a été causé par un viol. Elle a subi des fractures aux structures antérieures du cou et des fractures des vertèbres du cou. Le cou était grotesquement étiré.

C'ÉTAIT DE VRAIS ÉVÉNEMENTS. Ils ne sont pas dit différemment. Ceux-ci étaient des meurtres, des sacrifices humains pour les Illuminati, et l'activité sexuelle était une partie des décès, des décès fait de se produire tout en ayant des rapports sexuels ou après. Les viols n'ont jamais été révélés. 

Ces meurtres étaient destinés à la pratique, au sacrifice humain ultime du plus grand des plus grands. Et maintenant le sacrifice du siècle ... peut-être deux siècles! 

The precedent for the blonde-haired "supreme one" strangulation or hanging murder prophesied by Nostradamus was set in spectacular fashion in 2006 and 2011. One of these, the hanging "suicide" of Rebecca Zahau, was probably arranged by the Illuminati.

Indeed, a network of such precedents have been building since at least September 1927 to create the scenario outlined in Quatrain 1.39; each more ghastly and sensational than the one before.

Who is Madonna most like? Not Marilyn Monroe, who was another totally different icon. In fact not like any other famous actress in US or European history. Madonna's fame did not come from acting, but from music and dance. In the world of music she has had no female rival, only males like Michael Jackson or the band members of The Beatles. But in the world of DANCE, she did have ONE historical rival: 

Secondly and lastly, if she ever regains her "supreme" status, regardless of whether she is once again active as an "elevated blonde" (high blonde), one of her many death fantasies, possibly her most famous death fantasy of all as Louise Oriole, may play out for real ... at age 73. 

Madonna could probably live to be 120 ... longer if medical science offers a breakthrough in the next decade. With her great wealth and power, she would be among the first in line to live another 220 to 800 years. 

But she has one other problem that goes back to her "Bad Girl" video days ... as well as the films she also made back then where she always ended up dead in the end. 

If she fails to refrain glorifying her own death in photo shoots (such as those enacting the death of Marilyn Monroe and what could have been a potentially fatal attack on her by stalker Robert Dewey Hoskins in 1995), her years may still be greatly reduced if Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.74 pertains to her.  

It is bad karma posing as a dead Marilyn Monroe or a knife-threatened Sharon Tate.

Chez elle en France, chez elle en Italie, de la nouvelle terre elle retournera dans l'ancien monde. Elle se reverra blonde et plantureuse, la chanteuse des âges, la jeune vieille se prépare pour l'acte final. 

Cette femme sera la dernière des véritables grandes tragédies féminines avant la Troisième Guerre mondiale. Cela se produira probablement en mars 2032 si l'on en croit l'âge de la victime fourni par Nostradamus. Mi-mars, je devrais penser. La voyante française donne son âge à deux endroits, dans un quatrain et dans l'Épître à Henri II. Dans l'épître, il donne non seulement l'année de l'âge, mais aussi les mois. 

Après l'événement de 2025, le sien sera le dernier sur la chronologie Marilyn Monroe-Princess Diana jusqu'à bien après la fin de la troisième guerre mondiale. Dans l'après-guerre, il s'appliquera à nouveau, si à n'importe qui, à ceux qui sont membres de la royauté et de l'aristocratie comme il l'était dans le passé. Lorsque le "divertissement" reviendra sous forme d'opéra ou sous quelque forme que ce soit, il sera à nouveau appliqué aux artistes et artistes de divers types.

Elle deviendra la victime d'un grand meurtre planifié et conçu ensemble depuis 105 ans. Il y en aura une autre en 2037, mais la renommée de la victime sera éclipsée par le caractère horrible de sa mort (par décapitation). Celle-là ne sera jamais aussi grande vivante qu'elle deviendra morte. Elle ne sera pas américaine mais très probablement française. Ce sera la dernière année complète des industries du divertissement, de la musique et du cinéma telles que nous les connaissons. En 2038, une autre tragédie française sur une scène de concert déclenchera une Révolution sanglante et Paris sera incendiée. 

La plus grande femme au fil des ans dans le monde du divertissement, du cinéma et de la musique. Tellement pitoyable ! Le meurtre sera un outrage... il sera très coquin et il apparaîtra mis en scène.

La mort la plus grande et la plus scandaleuse jamais vue ! Sa mort sera planifiée à l'avance et elle le désirera. Ce sera un suicide en étant une victime consentante d'un meurtre sexuel. Il faudra cependant des mois avant que cela ne soit connu. 

Trop longtemps, trop longtemps, elle avait joué la femme fatale blonde dans les films et sur scène. Maintenant, Louise Oriole sera retrouvée nue dans son lit, étranglée, le bas serré autour du cou, le visage souriant avec une expression de grand plaisir. Qu'est-ce que les yeux ont vu quand l'éternel vide leur est venu, le vaste blanc ? Oui, on dira qu'elle était malade d'esprit, qu'elle était pervertie ! Elle est donc morte heureuse, mais quel scandale ce sera quand même. 

Et qu'en est-il du tueur ? Où est-il ou elle ? Le tueur ne sera jamais capturé ni son identité connue. Ils ont fait ce qu'on leur demandait de faire.

The character of Louise Oriole was inspired by actress Louise Brooks as Lulu in the film, Pandora's Box (1929). 

Regarding her final scene in Pandora's Box, actress Louise Brooks once wrote: “It is Christmas Eve and she is about to receive the gift which has been her dream since childhood. Death by a sexual maniac.” 

Madonna: Secret Agent?

During her last tour, Madonna starred in the role of Madame X. It was her last "Whore of Babylon" related persona, unless she intends to return to the Book of Revelation personage again in the future. According to the pop singer, her role was largely that of a secret agent or spy, possibly a double agent working for both Russia and the United States (this was back in 2019-20, well before the war in Ukraine).

Before going any further one would anticipate that Madonna would become extremely vocal and very concerned about events occurring in the world, especially conditions of major war, terrorism, and atrocities committed against every day people by groups and governments, before ever embarking on any kind of diplomatic endeavor, whether or not espionage is involved. But it would be a start:

Iconic pop star Madonna wore a Ukrainian flag during the inaugural show of her “Celebration” world tour at a London stadium, belting out the classic hit “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina.” The globally renowned artist conveyed her solidarity with Ukraine as her world tour took off at the O2 Arena stadium in London on Oct. 14.

Madonna as a spy hard to believe? It is not so hard to do, not even for a 65-year-old. 

Take a look at this:

One quatrain by Nostradamus deals with the final actions and, sadly, death of such a person he calls Nanar, who apparently is both a spy and a prostitute. 

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.85 ~ 

Between Bayonne and St. Jean de Luz,
The promontory of Mars will be placed.
For Hanaxaeci of Aquilon, Nanar removes the light,
 Then suffocates in bed without assistance.

I am using a more generic illustration of this quatrain because we do not know if it is about Madonna or someone else. But there is a woman who will come whom Nostradamus prophesies will assemble a great force towards or for Aquilon (the North or possibly Russia), one who "will vex Europe and nearly all of the Universe." This could involve the CERN project, a power so great that it could make "all of Norway disappear in the blink of an eye" according to prophet Edgar Cayce. Perhaps the final act of the female Russian spy, Nanar, will be to snuff out all of Norway's lighting, or even make it vanish, at the behest of a Russian leader.

Nanar will die from some sort of suffocation or strangulation in her bed, a fate consistent with Quatrain 1.39! This happens after she performs some sort of secret service for the Russian government. By 2027 or 2028, the US and Russia may become powerful allies ... providing we both get through the current crisis in Ukraine intact ... and any other future ones that may happen over the next three years.

If this is Madonna, perhaps she will have access to technology that will cause a nationwide blackout ... or a blackout even larger in size. Perhaps in March 2032, at age 73, she will plunge China into darkness at the behest of Russia and the United StatesAn EMP perhaps? Afterwards she strangles or suffocates herself in bed. I will have to study this quatrain again as "Nanar" (which can mean "whore" in old French) is an actual name found in parts of what was the former Soviet Union. 

If this is seven years later, in 2039, at the time of the "three days of darkness," this may be a future figure ... one who is a spy like Mata Hari. Of course, if Madonna continues to have medical science or AI technology keeping her young and healthy, and the year is 2039, it could be her at age 80.

On May 8, 2021, I received a comment on my site or else an email, can't recall which, from a viewer who indicated that a Nostradamus scholar suggested that Nanar (based partly on the Latin word "Nonaria" as Erika Cheetham pointed out long ago) is about old age and at the same time about a prostitute. 

An old whore of Babylon? Maybe.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.5 ~

Under the shadowy pretense of removing servitude, he will himself usurp the people and city: He will do worse because of the deceit of the prostitute, delivered in the field reading the false poem. 

In terms of espionage, the "false poem" would be propaganda. Perhaps the spy is also a propagandist, sending messages in the media to throw off the future enemy. If Madonna, we can add this to her list of talents. 

In the spy section of Almanac 1555 we run into a female figure quite similar to another in Quatrain 8.15:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.15 ~

Great exertions towards Aquilon by a masculine (aggressive) woman to vex Europe and nearly all the Universe. The two eclipses will be put into such a rout they will reinforce life or death for the Hungarians. 

This of course could be about the figure known as Nanar (discussed earlier above), then again it could be about Modena (Madonna). We still can not be sure at this time if Modena and Nanar are one and the same.

The other possibility for translating "hommasse" rather than "masculine woman" is "Hamas." Could even be a Nostradamus pun for both. Aquilon (the North) would then function as either the Russias (Russia, Belarus and Ukraine) or Israel being north of Gaza. 

Madonna is currently on a WORLD TOUR.

Here are some eclipses to consider:

Two eclipses (solar and lunar) this month, October 2023, and then two BIGGER and BETTER solar and lunar eclipses in April and May 2024.

In the female spy section of the 1555 Almanac, again we have exertions against Aquilon in the southern part, the state of Florida on alert at sea, fire from the sky, terrible storms, and a nuclear attack on Italy, troubling the Vatican and the Pope:

Towards Aquilon to the south the great proud female, Florida in contemplation will hold the port. Eight, fifteen, and five what disloyalty. The evil spy will come to be permitted: 

Fire in the sky, lightning, fear, Papal terror, the West trembles, pressing too hard the salty wine. Six, twelve, thirteen, twenty will speak to the Lady, the older one by the female will be corrupted: Dijon, Guienne hail, lightning makes the first cut into it, the insatiable woman with blood and wine is satisfied. 

Amazing isn't it? This section of Almanac 1555 literally reads like a continuation of events in Quatrain 8.15. As Hungary becomes a charred battlefield and the "masculine woman" finally is forced to acknowledge that her "exertions" and connections in Moscow had largely failed her, she travels southwest and ends up in Italy in time to witness frightening weather and Russian missile attacks against that country, especially Rome. 

Whether she personally witnesses the naval battle off the coast of Florida is unknown, but at least symbolically she is there. You can't be in two places at the same time, and so after the attack on the Vatican, off she goes further west into France. There a group of twenty nervous officials from France and the United States discuss possible peace plans ... a way out of the war in progress. The female agent seems to be in on the discussion. 

Everywhere she moves, the same terrors in the sky she saw in Italy are going on in French cities and towns. The almanac ends with her drinking blood and wine, a symbolic reference to the Whore of Babylon who drinks the blood of beheaded Christian martyrs. 

Whether Madonna is the special double agent in the prophecies or it is someone else, the series seems to end with a great darkness in Northern Europe or even globally and the suicide of the spy and whore called Nanar in Quatrain 8.85 (70 quatrains after 8.15 which introduced the aggressive woman who travels as a spy to Russia, vexing Europe during two major eclipses and a war in the Balkans).

But wait! The Almanac of 1555 was about events the French seer believed would happen in 1555 wasn't it? The existence of the state of Florida holding the port at a time of war in the long verse by itself should dispel that notion. 

No, none of the events in any of the long verse prophecies called "almanacs," written each year from 1555 to 1563, ever happened because they were about far future events. The years given were simply the YEARS THEY WERE WRITTEN. The 1555 Almanac was written in 1555, but it wasn't ABOUT the year 1555.

Nostradamus favored putting most of his predictions in the four line verses known as quatrains. But he loved to amplify on certain subjects in other ways. The two epistles were written as dedications, one to his son and one to Henri II. But these were largely long prose prophecies where Nostradamus could elaborate in greater detail about some of the events discussed in his quatrains. Likewise the sixains gave him two extra lines of verse to work with in each verse and the Almanacs gave him a lot of lines.

Also there is the incomplete seventh century of his quatrains with 58 missing verses and also an eleventh and a twelfth century containing only a few verses each. Where did the rest of them go? They haven't been found yet, and maybe they never will be.


As far as the text is concerned, most of what you will read in this section is as it appeared on the very first page I created for my original website that went live in May 1999: Nostradamus and the New Prophecy Almanacs (the first site I ever did by that name). It was online from May 1999 through May 2023. I gradually began turning my blog by that name, created in late 2013, into a multi-page mega site at Weebly in 2018. It is currently the main site for Nostradamus and the New Prophecy Almanacs and this site is a special affiliate site I created earlier this year.

Images have been updated on this page because back in 1999 and 2000 you had you use scanned images from magazines and their sizes and quality were not the best.

And so we begin.

Using base 7 numerology (a system I created by which you can mathematically determine future events based on the repetition of historical events in significant multiples of 7 years), I theorized at the head of the year that 1962 might exert a powerful influence on 1997 (7 x 5 = 35 years). The ghost of 1961 had appeared the previous year courtesy of Cuba and Eastern and Central Europe. The tragic death of a famous female celebrity in August 1997 was one of two major events I feared might occur. I called the first event "the Marilyn Scenario" because I believed the woman would, like Marilyn Monroe, die in her thirties and that the cause of her death would not be taken at face value. It would shock this media-linked world as nothing had since the death of Marilyn Monroe. 

However, in January 1997, I had no definite idea who this theoretical female victim might be. I must emphasise the word theoretical. Up to that point in time the successful predictions I had made for 1996 using my newly discovered number system could have been mere products of coincidence. 

I really did have my doubts that anything like this would happen. 

Because Marilyn Monroe had been an American actress, my initial concern was that something dreadful might happen to one of the leading American female actresses or entertainers of the time -- someone whose career had begun between thirteen and sixteen years earlier. Someone still in her thirties. Topping the list was Madonna. Nevertheless, despite the fact that she was English and not a member of the acting profession, I did consider the possibility that Princess Diana might be in some degree of danger. But, at the time, I strongly doubted it.


On February 10, 1993, I was eight months away from completing the first draft of a book entitled Nostradamus and the Final Age (at that time I was calling it Nostradamus: World Events). I had begun writing the book in April 1992. I had wondered about Quatrain 10.35 for several years. It was the last two lines, in particular, which captured my attention: 

Women's apparel in the temple of Diana:

Going to be murdered by the unknown one from Marne.

On that date I made the following entry (regarding the above lines) into the manuscript: 

Line 3 in some respects has already been fulfilled with the ordination of women priests in the Church of England in 1992. Under Henry [a future French King Henry V], the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church will marry, so this may relate to women taking an even greater role in church affairs, possibly even attaining positions in the College of Cardinals. Artemis [Arthemide] is the Greek name for Diana, the goddess of the moon. However, within the context of the last line, it is unlikely that it is a goddess who is to be murdered by a Frenchman from the Marne River. This then should be considered a warning to the future Queen of England, Princess Diana. According to Nostradamus, Diana's killer will never be captured or identified.

In October 1993, I completed the first draft and was about to format it to manuscript form when my printer broke down. I tried in vain to find someone to repair it or a way to replace it. It was a Commodore 64, purchased in 1989, and the printer (as well the computer) I learned, was now obsolete. Also, according to a resource book I had recently purchased, major publishers did not consider dot-matrix book submissions unless the dot-matrix was of "letter quality" (mine was not). This meant I would have to begin a new draft on new equipment -- when I could afford it.

Eventually, over the course of developing and polishing each successive new draft, I dropped the Diana prediction. I was no longer convinced that line 3 could be about female priests in the Anglican Church. If the Diana of line 3 was the living woman of that name, it would mean that she would one day be worshiped at a temple erected in her honor. I felt such an idea was preposterous. In order for Princess Diana to have a temple dedicated to her she would have to be worshiped as a goddess. Even in our crazy, mixed-up world I found such a development extremely unlikely. It would be the ultimate in celebrity worship: deifying a living woman.

 July 1997: Six Weeks Before The Tragedy 

Diana was now divorced and the most famous available single woman in the world. Since her divorce the previous year, her popularity had grown by leaps and bounds. She was now many things to many people: glamour queen, jet-setting celeb, royal mom, humanitarian, friend to the sick and to those in plight, even just a regular person -- a sad and lonely person looking for love.

Initial predictions I had made for early 1997 had been wrong or merely close. I had predicted the phenomenal success of the Mars Sojourner-Pathfinder mission; but that was not enough to vindicate the system I was using. Then a shot rang out. Fashion designer Gianni Versace was dead -- the last victim of a man who I predicted would terrify the country with a string of murders over the summer. Of course, I had no way of predicting the murderer's identity or who his victims would be. I became convinced that Andrew Cunanon was the other half of what led to the Heaven's Gate mass suicides: the evil spirit of Charles Manson working its way in the world again in another form. This was because 1969 and 1997 were also perfectly aligned. One of Manson's victims had been a famous hair stylist, Jay Sebrig. Gianni Versace was a famous fashion designer -- one who had created ensembles for women such as Madonna and Princess Diana. 

On television I watched Diana comforting singer Elton John at Versace's funeral in Milan. At one point there was a closer view of her face, looking toward the camera. At that moment I became alarmed by what seemed to be a terrible revelation. For a few fleeting seconds I felt as though I had made contact with Diana over the television screen. "My God, " I said repeatedly, "please don't let her be the one." My heart sank at the thought of her being killed -- the same way it actually would sink six weeks later at the news of her death. However, after ten minutes, I began thinking the whole thing was a product of my imagination. 

What I now believe happened that day is that I had finally became seriously aware of the connection between "the Marilyn Scenario" and Quatrain 10.35. Throughout 1997, Diana seemed to glow every time I saw her on television or in a magazine. How far she had come. Perhaps now she was a goddess, metaphorically speaking.

Another of Manson's victims had been actress Sharon Tate, considered to be one of the most beautiful women of 1969 since her brief career was launched in The Valley of the Dolls the previous year. Sharon Tate and Marilyn Monroe had both died in August, seven years apart. Now I was beginning to feel uneasy -- who would Cunanon's next victim be? Quatrain 10.35 warned of a mysterious man from the Marne River as being the killer of Diana. It was being reported that Cunanon's whereabouts were unknown and that he had a French passport. 

Andrew Cunanon died by his own hand a few days later. Thank God, I thought. Perhaps Diana would be safe after all. Still, had I the means to do so, I would have warned her to stay away from France for the remainder of 1997. However, I did not have the means and the passing weeks lulled me into a sense that I been wrong and that Princess Diana's future was secure.

Six weeks later, on August 31, 1997, Princess Diana died in Paris. The dreaded month of August was nearly over -- but not before one of the strangest car accidents in our time claimed the life of a woman loved by the entire world. She and her new boyfriend, Dodi al-Fayed, had been murdered by an intoxicated chauffeur, a Frenchman named Henri Paul, and an unknown driver of a mysterious white Fiat Uno. The Marne flows into the Seine a few miles north of Paris. I had been right, I thought bitterly -- and I damned myself for it.

The Temple of Diana

I had read the prophecy backwards. The events in line 4 would occur before those in line 3. Diana would have to be murdered first before there would be a temple erected in her honour. The meaning of the "temple" is finally clear. It stands at Althorp, the Spencer family estate. Many of the fashion ensembles Diana wore in life are now on exhibit in the museum dedicated to her memory, thus solving the enigma of the "women's apparel" in line 3.


One of the greatest tragedies in the last two thousand years quickly became one of the greatest conspiracy cases of the century. It had taken twenty years before Marilyn Monroe's death began to be questioned by the public and re-investigated. No one spent anytime allowing this poor woman to lie in peace before they began weaving a grand web of conspiracy theories about her death.

I believe it was an accident -- a bizarre accident -- but nothing more. I refuse to be caught up in what are likely to be decades of theories, questions, and morbid analyses concerning her death. I only wish to remember her for the good and beautiful lady that she was.

As for Nostradamus, he had only one last thing to say on the subject of her murder by vehicular manslaughter and negligent homicide: one of the participants -- doubtlessly the driver of the white Fiat Uno -- will remain "unknown" for all time. He may indeed live somewhere along the banks of the Marne River, but he (or she) will never be found.

POSTSCRIPT (7/22/23): They eventually found the burned out wreck of the white Fiat Uno behind a house on the Marne River. The driver was charred beyond recognition, not enough remaining even for DNA analysis. The probability that Diana was murdered by car is 50/50. 

I would later discover Quatrain 4.24 ... and come to realize that Diana's story did not end in the Paris hospital where she was declared dead several hours after the crash. Her spirit survives, hidden from this world for the time being, but she will return in a spiritual body ... and when she does she will have plenty to say. The "Temple of Diana" will be a real temple and a real religion. Most of us will never see this chapter of future history as it will not happen until after World War III and the dreaded "three days of darkness."

But some of us may live to see the return of Diana in the form of a flaming apparition. And that, in part, is what the next section of this feature page will discuss.


Nostradamus, Quatrain 4.24 ~

Heard beneath the sacred ground the faint voice of a lady, 
human flame for the divine voice shines: It will cause the blood of the solitary ones to stain the earth, and holy temples of the impure to destroy. 

Note: This prediction appears in both the 1998 and 2000 manuscripts of my book, Nostradamus and the Final Age. Some portions of it have been modified since then.

This event is not given a date in the book, although I attempted to date it on my original site twice but failed. It is an event that will not happen until a short time (seven years or less) before the worst of World War III takes place. Catholic prophecy places the "worst" at June 2038 until late winter (March) 2039. Thus, the time frame that makes the most sense from a base 7 perspective, given what is likely to occur in March 2039 ("the three days of darkness"), is anytime between September 2032 and September 2038.

Sacred ground, especially from Nostradamus’ strict European Christian perspective, is usually burial ground: earth that has been consecrated by the Church or by a Christian ceremony made suitable for burial of the dead. Thus the “lady” whose voice is discerned coming from the ground is dead. Therefore, what we are experiencing in this quatrain is truly a miraculous event. A woman of tremendous importance, adored and loved in death as well as in life, returns to communicate a message to her worshipers and to the entire world. When people hear the familiar, “faint,” modest, yet assertive voice of the lady and witness her apparition shining as “a human flame” above her grave, tears of recognition, then joy, will streak their faces. And they will heed her words more now than they ever did when she was among the living. 

Could it be the slender red flame shaped like a female form will be spotted on the tiny island at Althorp where Princess Diana is buried? First it will be seen by a handful of people, then hundreds, then thousands of spectators. Soon hundreds of thousands will flock to observe Diana's flame-like apparition hovering above her grave, finally passing over to the temple that bears her name.

After Diana's death the public was allowed a huge mourn-fest for the rest of 1997 and into 1998, but then "the powers that be" and the media did all they could to sweep her memory under the rug. 

The murder of Princess Diana is the greatest cover-up in all of history and -- if the living do not bring those responsible to justice and reveal the Satanic plot behind her murder -- then it will be the sainted dead and Diana herself who will rise up to expose the evil ones for who they are, in every office in every station, wherever they hide. The offending principalities of church and state who collaborated on this great abomination of murder will be stripped of secrecy and the people will attack and kill them wherever they are found.

This is in part what I think Nostradamus meant when he said: "[Diana's voice] will cause the blood of the solitary ones their blood to stain the earth, and the holy temples of the impure ones destroyed." Yes, of course, there will be those who will call this event the work of the Devil and of Antichrist, and there will be those who are wise enough to understand the ways of the Lord are mysterious and who understand the prophecy of Revelation 12 demands that a woman yet to come must be revered and her child with her, and that Diana was intended to be that woman but was struck down by the power of Satan and his helpers on earth. Those who claim the Apparition is diabolic will soon be locked in battle with those who believe Diana to be sainted by God.

Many Christian priests and pastors will dismiss the miracle as a hoax or as being of diabolical origin. They will not believe that this lady's appearance has been made possible by the grace of God. The reigning pope of that time will also share his Protestant brothers' skepticism. 

The backlash this causes will be horrendous. Those who claim the Apparition is diabolic will soon be locked in battle with those who believe Diana to be sainted by God. Many will be angered, leading to deadly feuds between the churches and against the churches. Many monks, priests, and clergy will be killed. 

But this is not what the “divine voice” will wish. Rather, it will be the existence of the voice and the human flame which will create such controversy that those looking for an excuse to commit violence in word and deed shall have what they seek. In so doing, they will dishonor this woman who exalts love above all other things. 

However, in the end, all goes well. According to Nostradamus, a major new religion or sect will be born: one wherein Diana is worshiped as either a goddess or as a saint.

The meaning behind the "only ones" or "solitary ones" in the quatrain concerning this prediction has become much clearer since the COVID-19 regime of social distancing and masks began in 2020. It currently stands for what passes as the Democratic Party of the United States, the current government, and also the radical leftists fanning the flames of revolution in many of the large cities: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Woke, Anti-Racists, Marxists, Socialists, call them what you will. They are the 21st Century equivalent of the French Republican revolutionaries of 1789-1799. The ones who brought the Guillotine, Christian genocide, and the Reign of Terror into being. They are the ones telling the President and Vice President, and other major figures in the Democratic-run government, what they want done with this country and what they want next. If the government does not obey, these radicals who already possess several large US cities and city portions will overthrow it and take over the nation directly.

These are "the masked and solitary ones" of Quatrain 2.10 and the "new people" whose "faces are covered by veils" of Quatrain 1.3. How long will these "solitary ones" reign?

Normally, the Democratic Party would, if not interfered with, last until November 2032 at which time a Republican would win the presidential election and be inaugurated in January 2033. However, they are passing laws that will make it almost impossible for them to lose any future election. Thus, they may remain in power in perpetuity. In the meantime they will do the bidding of the Woke revolutionaries.  

Note most of the government officials wore BLACK masks during the pandemic (the same color masks Antifa members wear). The "black mask" became the symbol of the government for nearly three years. Masks, scarves, and various types of veils, especially black ones, remain the symbol of the Woke Revolution in the streets

It is also possible that the radical elements, the Woke revolutionaries, will overthrow the government in 2023, bringing about a reign of terror  "from sea to shining sea" in 2024, eventually weakening their position after 2025 to the point that a black masked demagogue who will be regarded by some as an Antichrist (the one Nostradamus calls "the false Antichrist") will overthrow their rule by December 2030. He will end the Woke reign (absorbing any of their ideas he does agree with) and substitute his authority over the land. 

He and two others in league with him will subjugate all of Canada and the entire United States. And he will continue to use the symbol of the black mask ... he and his adherents. One reason for this will be a false pandemic that will be declared in 2028, followed by a real pandemic in 2031.

Some of these will be radical, militant Muslims, perhaps even members of ISIS, who will have earlier infiltrated Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Woke ... a few of them "moderates" holding key government positions. They will burn the churches and synagogues and replace them with mosques. 

Diana's apparition will incite A COUNTER REVOLUTION.

She will condemn the radicals of the false Antichrist, the "solitary ones" masked in black, and incite the people to rebel against them. The rebellion will be violent and many of the Woke Antichrist forces will be killed, their blood staining the earth. Also the churches and mosques that supported or appeased the Woke radicals will be burned to the ground.

After a number of appearances, she will return to her slumber, with a promise to return with the future Henry V after the three days of darkness.

In the end, all goes well. According to Nostradamus, a major new religion or sect will be born: one wherein Diana is worshiped as either a goddess or as a saint. 

Ironically, this wondrous apparition shall also mark the blackest years of World War III (2032-2039). 

Why Princess Diana? Why not someone else??

Not since Joan of Arc was burned at the stake had a well-loved, spiritual, political, and iconic female met with a tragic end at the hands of sinister forces ... until Princess Diana. Most do not believe the accident that killed her was simply "an accident." And Diana was the first such woman to have worldwide adoration and to be mourned worldwide. Apparently, only every 566 years does a female come along who is immensely popular and loved, but struck down by the forces of evil. Executed. Murdered. Assassinated. Joan's memory endures throughout the Catholic world, History, and France. Diana's memory likewise endures throughout the modern world and likely will for centuries.

If this woman of Quatrain 4.24 is not Diana, who is it?

Remember, the prophecy was written in 1556 and no one else comes close to Diana since that date. Again, I cite Joan of Arc, who died in 1431 ... 125 years before Nostradamus penned the verse. As far as the odds go, there is only one more chance for it to be someone else ... sometime around the year 2563 AD. That is the last chance because human history does not progress another 566 years beyond 2563. Indeed according to Nostradamus it ends 264 years later in the year 2827. He is emphatic in his Epistle to Henry II that the history of the world prior to the birth of Christ is 4,173 years and eight months in length (or that it began in 4173 BC). To this he expects us to add 7000 years and that gives us ... 2827. 

There is only one woman alive today who has made efforts to be another Princess Diana and has commanded a huge popularity and respect worldwide: actress Angelina Jolie. Who I should add is very much alive. She is very famous and she has become a huge humanitarian. But her past is dark, and many of the characters she has gravitated to in films are dark if not downright evil. A natural blonde, she is so dark she colors her hair black. Like Lady Gaga and Madonna, she has had her involvements with the Illuminati and the occult. Her death would be widely mourned, no doubt. But she would still be the "black queen" as opposed to Diana's "white queen." Yes, she could have fulfilled Jeane Dixon's vision of Nefertiti giving birth in the desert to a future messiah. Yes, she could have even .. like Diana ... served as an archetype for the woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet of Revelation 12. But she would never have lived up to the woman's holiness. Diana might have. 

The woman of this quatrain has a far reaching effect on her audience. Her words, words from a dead woman's apparition hovering above her grave, have enough power to create a counter revolution that is worldwide and to bring about destruction to an entire religion steeped in evil and corruption. I doubt that the future ghost of Angelina Jolie could pull that off.  

Also there are the quatrains that indicate that Diana will be worshiped as a goddess after this apparition appears. Temples be will erected in her name.

Also her name is linked to another major figure who ends World War III and brings peace to France and the world: the resurrected and future French king, Henry V,  Count of Chambord and Duke of Bordeaux.

The harmonic convergence of Sun and Moon appear in many of Nostradamus' quatrains concerning Chiren Selin (also Chyren selin) during the immediate post World War III era. Although there are doubtless many levels at play with this word combination, the inescapable conclusion is that the "Church pristine" under the Carolmingian holy Catholic emperor Chiren (Sun), Henry V, shall merge with the doctrines of Selene (Moon) as it did in its earliest years of the first century AD ... with Princess Diana in the role of a goddess.

Remember that all time is a Great Circle: the heroes of the present and the future shall become the stuff of myth and legend in the past, if we think of the past as something that lies both ahead and behind. That which is, shall be, and yet was.

I would fully expect that if Diana begins to speak to us prior to the event in the Nostradamus prophecy, that 1) it might tend to occur at a truly historical event, like Queen Elizabeth's funeral and 2) it would be captured in such a way that hundreds of thousands or millions of people would hear her voice and wonder at it. THAT has now happened ... and possibly there will be more for us to hear from Diana before the apparition at Althorp finally takes place.

Sightings or soundings over the years

Princess Diana's ghost filmed in church 

Unexplained Mysteries 

Thursday, 19 January, 2012

A video taken by tourists in a Glasgow church is thought to show the ghost of the late Princess Diana. The footage taken inside the church shows the stained glass windows at the back with the distinctive form of a woman in the central window that looks exactly like Princess Diana. Michael Cohen has been investigating the case. "The footage is currently being examined by myself and other researchers to ascertain if it is a genuine ghost capture," he said. "It might be a bizarre optical illusion, but then again, it could be a ghost - possibly Princess Diana's." A group of Chinese tourists filmed the stained glass window in Scotland without realizing that it featured Princess Di from beyond the grave. The video - which was later passed on to Cohen - appears to show a ghostly-looking image resembling Diana. 

This was not a mass spectacle ... not yet. If it had been, I would definitely say this was a partial fulfillment of my prediction. It is, in any case, a very powerful RED ALERT and may be the first of a number of such sightings prior to the Miracle at Althorp. It is hard to be absolutely certain, but this event appears to be on the right path to the fulfillment of Nostradamus' prophecies, including as a sign of the drawing near of World War III in Quatrain 9.74. 

Yes, this is her apparition; I have little doubt of it ... and I would imagine there will be more such sightings of Diana before the Althorp Miracle occurs. 

It is possible the ghost of Princess Diana will be similar to "The Angel of Mons" seen on a battlefield in Mons, Belgium during World War I on August 23, 1914. Everyone saw something different, but many soldiers saw the ghost of Jeanne d'Arc on a white horse leading them into battle. 

I've been waiting for something of this kind to make news ... not just another ghost sighting (although three of those is simply not enough, need more of them too!). Yes, I would fully expect that if Diana begins to speak to us prior to the event in the Nostradamus prophecy, that 1) it might tend to occur at a truly historical event, like Queen Elizabeth's funeral was and 2) it would be captured in such a way that hundreds of thousands or millions of people would hear her voice and wonder at it. THAT has now happened ... and possibly there will be more for us to hear ... and see ... from Diana before the event at Althorp occurs.


Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.28 ~

The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet will take Diana for his day and repose: He will travel far with a frenzied head, and deliver a great nation from subjection.

A man whose given or middle name is the same as that of an important prophet will take on a critical, self-appointed mission or else one directly inspired by the goddess Diana. Erika Cheetham (1973) suggests that the prophet in question is either Mohammad (originally Mohammad abu Talid) or Nostradamus himself. Nostradamus’ “penultimate name” was Michel. Therefore the first name of the deliverer in question is either Mohammad or Michel. Michel is the French variant of Michael. Therefore, if Michel is the correct name, whatever the man’s nationality, his name will either be Michel or some variant of Michael. If the great nation he is in is the United States, his name will more than likely be Michael.

Three additional clues are provided—possibly four. Line 3 suggests that he will suffer from mental illness or be perceived as mad. "Frenzy," however, also implies great speed, a mercurial attribute. This man may travel through the routes of communication. Line 4 defines his mission: to liberate a great people, which would mean a great nation. What he
will save them from is not completely clear although it most likely will be "subjection" (saving a nation from a leader or government oppressing it).

Clue 3, which is in the second line, has two possible interpretations. For many years commentators have led us to believe that the frenzied deliverer will take Monday as his sabbath. This is arrived at because Diana was the Roman goddess of the moon, and Diana's day became known as Monday. The day of the moon was a holy day to the ancient Druids; thus, the man in question may be a pagan. If so, this prediction could belong anywhere in the future, including the far future.

However, what may place this quatrain in more contemporary times is the newer relevance of the name Diana. Diana, the late Princess of Wales, whose untimely death in 1997 was perhaps the most tragic event since the crucifixion of Christ, may place this prophecy in our time. From now until the end of history two dates will always be remembered and honored: July 1, the day of her birth, and August 31, the day of her death and ascendancy to sainthood or deification as a goddess. 

Even so, this does not eliminate Monday as the sabbath day as the Moon still would be associated with the spirit of Princess Diana whose name is the same as the ancient Roman goddess.

In conclusion, our mercurial friend may be a worshiper of Princess Diana, one who honors what was both the happiest yet saddest period of her life, and one who will desire to change the destiny of a nation —- and perhaps all mankind —­ for the better.

This decision will not be arrived at by him lightly or foolishly. He may even have direct communication with Princess Diana in the supernatural realm, now a goddess as proven in Quatrain 4.24 above when her spirit appears and communicates to many people, inciting them to overthrow the tyranny under which they have been subjected, now a worldwide tyranny.

Indeed, it would almost appear that her afterlife mission and that of Michel/Michael are quite similar. It would seem he is also doing her work.

Though in a spiritual body, she may even travel with him in a worldly body visible only to him. Perhaps she may even be seen by others, but not recognized and simply mistaken as a young blonde-haired woman, his girlfriend or a tourist perhaps.

The timing of this quatrain is unknown. It likely covers a number of years, those preceding Diana's appearance as a flaming apparition, also the same year as that event, and possibly for some years following. It may span the late 2020's and much of the 2030's ... until such time that the worship of Diana by many coexists with the new Christianity under the great French monarch Henry V and the great French pontiff following the three days of darkness, during the final aftermath stage of World War III (when Henry's armies will have to bring peace to the Middle East, Italy, Spain, and the Americas). That final stage may go on until the end of 2044 or the very early part of 2045.

MICHEL or MICHAEL THE MYSTIC: How He Began and How He Will End

Nostradamus, Quatrain 4.31 ~  

The Moon in the plain of night on the high mountain, the new sage alone with his brain has seen her: His disciples will invite him to become immortal, Woman, eyes at noon, hands on breasts, body in fire.

One night, high on a mountain plain, Michel/Michael meditated as he gazed intently at the Moon, the symbol of the ancient Roman goddess Diana and soon to be the symbol of the coming modern goddess Diana, the late Princess of Wales. In most translations it is at this time that he, and he alone with his brain, sees "it." However, in the most accurate translation I have found, what he saw was "her" (not "it"). Since he was staring directly at the symbol of the goddess Diana, who else could he have seen, but Princess Diana? 

Moreover, he has discovered the great Wheel of Time, which always moves forward yet always is traveled as a circle. He discovers that the ancient Roman goddess Diana, known as Artemis to the Greeks, and the coming modern goddess, the late Diana Spencer-Wales, are ONE AND THE SAME. The origin of the ancient Roman goddess Diana was the future goddess Diana, created from the mortal woman Diana who died in 1997. On the great wheel, the future always gives birth to what will become the past ... or rather the next, new past. And in that moment of revelation, he comes face to face with the living spirit of Diana in her heavenly realm, the former Princess of Wales.

From that time on, they are in frequently close communication. More than that, through a dream portal or astral projection, he visits her and can also be with her as a man is with a woman. Their relationship is both spiritual and sexual. Likewise, she can come to earth and appear as a mortal, yet will not be recognized. Much of this has already been discussed in Quatrain 2.28 above. The first two lines of Quatrain 4.31 provide us with the beginning of what is discussed throughout Quatrain 2.28. 

After a number of years have passed, his disciples, who are also Diana's disciples, many who are female and who look just like her, conduct him through a ritual which will make him immortal. The meaning of "Woman" in line 4 is critical to the rite itself. Not only does it involve female disciples who look like doubles of Diana, but also requires that the man's anima be freed so that he can then be transformed into a woman, the inner female, the anima (materialization and personification of the anima)

In the process, he becomes as a god, but what name he will be called by when he is a god is unknown at this time. This is the second half of Quatrain 4.31. After the rite is performed, he joins Diana "in the fire," and then in her realm, and is not seen again on earth. When and if he does return, it will be as yet another figure with another name.


Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.35 ~

By the French city of the great sea, Selene (Diana) who still carries the stone in her stomach, the English fleet will come under the drizzle, a branch to take, from the great open war.

There will always be an unbreakable bond between the late Princess Diana and France as it was a country she enjoyed to visit, Paris especially, and sadly the nation of her death. So often Nostradamus pairs the immortal version of Diana as the Greco-Roman goddess of the Moon with France, but he also pairs her with her native country of England as well. In this quatrain he pairs her to both France and England.

Marseilles is the French city of the great Mediterranean Sea. It is the biggest city in the French Riviera, the last place Diana spent time at on the yacht of boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed before her surprise, fatal trip to Paris. Marseilles also qualifies in the other translation of franche as "free city." 

The port city has a history of independence against central authority in a variety of forms. It retained its status as a free city even after falling to Julius Caesar’s troops in the 1st century BC, and after centuries of decline it was revived and allowed independence again under the viscounts of Provence in the 10th–14th centuries.

The mortal woman Diana is dead and carries nothing in her womb. But in the supernatural afterlife, as a new future version of the Greco-Roman goddess of the Moon, Selene (Diana), is shown by Nostradamus as symbolically pregnant with the child she carried when she was killed in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris, France in 1997. The best sample for pregnancy testing was a small amount of dried blood taken from a carpet in the death car, which is to say it was the worst sample in reality. The best sample from the princess herself was inconclusive and remains so to this day. The dead child, like Diana, would have been descended from the Merovingian line of kings, themselves descendants of Jesus Christ. Due to the tragic accident, or murder as many believe it to be, the unborn future king killed in the crash is best symbolized as "a stone in the stomach."

In this quatrain, Diana, as the goddess of the hunt, inspires her homeland England to launch its navy and take the offensive in the coming great world war. The Mediterranean is the marine gateway to the Adriatic Sea and the Balkans, the Aegean Sea and Greece, as well as the Levantine Sea and the Middle East and North Africa. So this will either be a huge Middle East war to come or a coming major naval conflict in the East Med itself, both happening during one of two limited wars in the Balkans, all three preceding the great
invasion of Europe from the East.

The specter of Diana gazes over the waters of the Mediterranean from Marseilles, watching the English fleet passing by. In her ancient Greek role as goddess of the hunt, she had some influence in war, and the Spartans before battle sought her favor by the gift of a she-goat.

Later we see her apparition at Sadr City in Iraq near the end of the great war, weeping over the fallen dead being delivered to Vulcan, the god of fire, for disposal, and lamenting those men and women being sacrificed to the infernal gods of Hannibal by being roasted to death inside a giant metallic bull. By that time it is early in the future reign of the great French monarch, Henry V, and she is actively being worshiped as a goddess or as a saint and new temples to her are being constructed all over Europe.

This quatrain is likely timed sometime after her flaming apparition is observed and heard to speak by millions at her burial site, but well before the three days of darkness, her visitation of Sadr City, Iraq where she laments the deaths from the great burning, and the return of Henri, Count of Chambord and Duke of Bordeaux from the dead into the body of a man no older than 40 who will be crowned Henry V (along with the resurrections of Joan of Arc and other saints). Thus my best guess would be sometime around 2036 or 2037.


Nostradamus, Quatrain 9.74 ~

Within the city of Fersod (Soder, Sadr, al-Sadr), homicide, again and again many oxen plow, not to slaughter, a return again to the honors of Diana, and to Vulcan dead bodies to burn and bury.

This will not happen until Diana worship begins in France and elsewhere in Europe as an actual religion. Diana's pagan moon will coexist with Henry V's Christian sun, thus "Chyren selin" = Henry selene = Henry Moon or Henry/Diana. It will be as it was during the early Christian period when Christians worshiped both Jesus and Diana. The Catholic Church didn't like the Diana competition, so they watered down Diana until she became the Virgin Mary.

Anyway, World War III does not entirely end after the three days of darkness in 2039. Largely it dies in Europe, although war continues in Italy and Spain due to attacks from northern Africa under the direction of an evil Iraqi leader. The Americas are under attack as well, and this goes on until at least the end of 2044. Between 2039 and 2044, Henry V and his armies, and a new Russia, will be doing what they can to pacify these regions and bring an end to the Babylonian dictator and his North African ally.

So very terrible will this war be that many millions or a few billion people will be delivered up as human sacrifices to Vulcan, the God of Fire. They will largely be soldiers and luckless civilians incinerated by terrible weapons, including nuclear weapons. Also, perhaps, their dead bodies will be collected and mass cremated. 

In one quatrain, Nostradamus links Babylon (Iraq) to "the infernal gods of Hannibal," and thus to the worship of Ba'al Hammon who was honored in Carthage by the taking of criminals, slaves, war prisoners, and other people unlucky to be captives and burning them alive at an altar before a statue shaped like a giant bull or ox. One such bull was made of bronze and hollow on the inside. The human sacrifice was shut up inside its belly and roasted alive, his or her screams sounding like the bellowing of a bull when issuing forth from the statue's metallic nostrils. Later, when the trap door of the bull's stomach was opened, the victims' bones tumbled out, glistening like well-polished jewels.

Fersod (change the "F" to an "L") = el-Sodr. Modernized, "el" becomes "al", thus el-Sodr becomes al-Sodr, which sounds like the actual spelling, al-Sadr. Sadr City is a southern suburban district of the city of Baghdad.

During the reign of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein it was called Saddam City. After the US invasion of Iraq ended in May 2003, the district was renamed Sadr City after the deceased Shi'a leader Mohammad Sadeq al-Sadr. Muqtada al-Sadr, an Iraqi Shi'a mullah who leads the Mahdi Army (also spelled as Mehdi Army) in Iraq, is the son of the man the city was named after, and has used Sadr City as a base of operations. If al-Sadr ever becomes leader of Iraq, which is possible, this would make Baghdad his city by namesake.

Muqtada al-Sadr may well be the "king of Babylon" prophesied by both Nostradamus and the Biblical prophet Jeremiah to appear in the latter days. Jeremiah warns that at the conclusion of the great war, Babylon (Iraq) will be utterly destroyed by many nations from beyond the Middle East, likely from Europe, as well as by the former Mede nations such as Georgia, Armenia, and Turkey. Afterwards, it will remain uninhabitable forever. Nostradamus specifically predicts the armies that are arrayed against "the King of Babylon" at the conclusion of World War III will be led by "the King of Europe" allied with those of Russia.

The "king of Europe?" Henry V.

The harmonic convergence of Sun and Moon appear in many of Nostradamus' quatrains concerning Chyren Selin (the future Henry V of France) during the immediate post World War III era. Although there are doubtless many levels at play with this word combination, the inescapable conclusion is that the "Church pristine" under the Carolmingian Holy Emperor Chyren (Sun) shall merge with the doctrines of Selene (Moon) ... with Princess Diana in the role of the goddess. 

Women priests will attempt to fuse the Anglican and Diana churches. Diana shall become the first Anglican/Protestant saint in history. In time Catholicism will accept her, and both Anglican and Catholic shall become one faith. Additionally, the ancient pantheon goddess Diana, also known as Artemis, will be resurrected and identified with Princess Diana (there will be a good reason for this, so follow along). 

Eventually, because of the identification between Princess Diana and the ancient goddess Diana, the great Temple of Ephesus will be rebuilt in Turkey. Likewise, across Europe and especially in France other temples will also be renovated, if possible, nearby a cathedral or church since this religion will actually be a part of Christianity.

Due to darkness, perhaps from volcanic ash spread by a major eruption, the first outdoor ceremonies will have to happen by candlelight and torchlight. Initially the full moon rites (the moon associated with Diana) will be "blood moon" rites since the moon will be turned red by the ash. 

Yet all shall know that this will be a burning a way for the inevitable season culminating in the appearance of Wormwood between December 2044 and July 2046, a time of great destiny and hope for some, great doom and dread for others. It is a time that will usher in the great age of heroes, men and women of great renown that in later years will come to be regarded as gods, yet mostly false gods they shall be.

But here is the secret and why Diana shall be worshiped both as ancient and modern: It will be said that when last the karmic wheel or "great year" was at its current place was the time the ancient goddess Diana was created, but that she was based on the life of an actual human woman. 

Understand then: The creation of Diana, goddess, formerly the Princess of Wales is an event that has happened over and over again with each complete turn of the karmic wheel. The present is the long-ago past. History is a record of past events that, if we could go back far enough, would take us back to where we are today. The future is already written because it has already happened!

The Abduction of the Prince of Annemarc and the Temple of Diana

Nostradamus, Quatrain 4.27 ~

Salon, Mansol, Tarascon the arc of SEX, where the pyramid is still standing: They will come to deliver the Prince of Annemarc, revenge reviled at the Temple of Diana.

A sign that not all is well in France or the Empire of Annemarc. All the places in lines 1 and 2 are in Provence. The "Prince of Annemarc" is likely the son of Henry V, the grand monarch. The temple of Princess Diana is the only alternative religion in the empire and linked to an early form of Christianity that Henry and the French Pope will promote. 

Displeased with the abduction of the Prince by militants from Spain, the wife of the Prince, holding high position in the Church of Diana, and Henry, and even Diana briefly in mortal form, will nevertheless be pleased to be reunited with him, thus "revenge" will be "reviled." Of course a ransom will have been paid as well. The Spanish abductors will be allowed to return to their country without punishment.

This quatrain proves that a religion dedicated to the worship of Diana will evolve either from a splinter group of English evangelists now honoring her as a saint or from a competing non-Christian pagan sect which will deify her. It is possible she will worshiped as a saint by some and a goddess by others. Diana worship will not be contained to Great Britain, but will spread throughout Europe and North America. The Spanish kidnappers will deliver the Prince to the Provencal chapter of the Church of Diana for a heady sum of ransom. Nostradamus displays contempt towards his fellow countrymen for imposing such "a wretched honor" upon the memory of this great woman and the institutions which hold her in reverence.

Quatrain 10.35: Past or Future?

Nostradamus, Quatrain 10.35 ~

Younger born royal flagrant with burning lust, to enjoy his first cousin: Woman's dress at the temple of Diana, going to her murder by the unknown one of Marne.

At top we discussed the last two lines of this quatrain. The final line was likely fulfilled on August 31, 1997 (late August 30, EDT). But what about the first two lines not discussed or the third line I touched upon briefly?

One of the quirkier aspects of Quatrain 10.35 is whether or not the first two lines deal with contemporaneous events that happened a few years after Diana's death (in 1999 and 2000 respectively) ... or if they deal with events still in the future during the reign of Henry V a few decades from now. Is this another "Prince of Annemarc" quatrain that occurs at a time when Diana is worshiped as a goddess or is the prince of this verse Prince William when he was in his teens?

There is no question as to what the final line says: in plain language it says Diana will be murdered by an unknown person from the Marne River. The edition of the Centuries used by author Erika Cheetham stipulates "Marne" (thus, the Marne River which flows into the Seine). In other editions of The Centuries it says the killer will come from the department of "Maine" (Mayenne). Marne River works because the white Fiat Uno that smashed into the Mercedes and then took off at high speed was traced to the Marne. That was the kill car that caused Henri Paul to lose control of the Mercedes and smash into the 13th pillar of the Pont de l'Alma tunnel. Weeks later the car was found a charred wreck in a field behind a residence near the bank of the river, the driver burned beyond all possible recognition or even DNA testing (what was possible at that time).

I would hasten to add that if the word is indeed Maine and not Marne, then the killer is still at large, unless he or she has since died.

The point in Nostradamus mentioning the murder of Diana in the final line was hopefully to prevent it from happening if it was at all possible, but also it is there to remind the reader that the Diana that will be worshiped or honored as a goddess or a saint in the future is originally a mortal woman. As much as the French prophet would have desired to save her life, for some reason he must have known this would not be possible and the reason there are so many quatrains dealing with Diana (and her other two names, Artemis and Selene), both as a troubled mortal female doomed to die tragically and also as a supernatural being or goddess.

Prince William was romantically linked to Camilla’s niece, Emma Parker Bowles, back in 1999. In his 2011 book “William and Catherine” biographer Andrew Morton reveals some of William's early relationships including a flirtation with Emma. Emma is the daughter of Richard Parker Bowles, the brother of the Duchess of Cornwall. William reportedly had a flirtation with Emma. Their flirtation reportedly occurred back in 1999, when William was only 17 years old. And a source told Sunday People, William was smitten.

"He was looking lovingly at Emma and she was hanging on his every word,” they said. “Sometimes he gazes at her so adoringly that it becomes a bit embarrassing. He looks every inch a young man who is falling in love." It remains unknown if Prince William tried to pursue Emma, but some sort of flirtation reportedly occurred between them that year until everything just fizzled out. Although the pair’s romance fizzled out, they seem to remain good friends, as Emma was invited to William’s 2011 royal wedding to Kate.

Mr Morton also writes about how William’s name was linked to Alexandra Knatchbull, the great-great-granddaughter of Lord Mountbatten. Lord Louis Mountbatten was Prince Philip’s uncle and an important figure in the Royal Family. Mountbatten was keen for Prince Charles to marry his granddaughter Lady Amanda Knatchbull, and promoted the match before his shock assassination in 1979. In addition to these illustrious relations, Alexandra Knatchbull was also the goddaughter of William’s late mother, Princess Diana. Author Christopher Andersen, in his 2011 book “William and Kate: A Royal Love Story”, quotes a close friend of Alexandra’s as saying the pair were “completely potty for each other. She was desperately in love, I can tell you that!”

In June 2000 Prince William discovered the woman the Star called the “real love of his young life”: Alexandra Knatchbull, a goddaughter of Princess Diana’s. “Although a marriage wouldn’t take place for several years,” reported the Star, “palace insiders already see Alexandra filling the void left in the hearts of the British people after Diana’s death.”

So we can see how either William and Emma or William and Alexandra could have fulfilled the first two lines. William and Emma were not first cousins, but their friends often called them "cousins." That could have been something Nostradamus might have picked up on and thought it to be an indication that the two were closely blood related. However, if William and Alexandra were intended, the future was changed ever so slightly as Alexandra is not William's first cousin but his third.

Line 3 is self-explanatory as there is a "temple" near where Diana is buried and during the first year after her death, a collection of her clothing was exhibited within it. Then again, it could be a preview of the temple to be built and the female worshipers within it in the future empire of Annemarc.

On the other hand, the "prince" in lines 1 and 2 may be the son of the future Henry V, the same one who is abducted and held for ransom by the Spanish, referred to as "the Prince of Annemarc." This quatrain would be about his teen years, before his marriage and the kidnapping that follows some time later. As we saw in that quatrain, the Temple of Diana figured prominently in the return of the prince to the empire and to his wife and family.

Diana at that point in time is not only a new goddess of the moon, replacing the Diana of antiquity, but appears in her mortal vessel as either "Selene" or "Princess Selene," the other half of "Chyren Selin" (Chyren = Henryc = Henry / Selin = Seline = Selene).

 There are several possibilities here:

1) AS GODDESS OR MINOR GODDESS. It may be that Diana, whenever she departs from her heavenly dimension and appears on earth, and chooses to take mortal form, may visit Henry and whoever is his queen, and may also visit her temple erected within the city. There may be a strong bond between her and Henry and she may consult with the royal couple and impart advice and wisdom.

2) WIFE or MISTRESS. Then again, like Henry V, Selene may be Princess Diana resurrected as a mortal, along with others, like Joan of Arc, following or during the "three days of darkness." If so, she may actually be Henry's wife or mistress. Still, despite once again being a mortal, people would remember witnessing her flaming apparition and hearing her speak some years earlier, clearly at that time a supernatural being, saint, or at least a minor goddess. It is yet another reason why Diana worship will coexist with Christianity in Henry's empire, just as it did in the first and second centuries AD. 

If she did become Henry's wife, she would be Queen Selene, but only for the duration of the marriage or until his death if Salic law still prevailed, although being worshiped as a goddess might change such a law in her favor.  After Henry's death, being immortal due to deification as a minor goddess, she would once again be known as Princess Selene or simply as Selene. Why the resurrected Henry V is not granted immortality is a mystery.

As his potential mistress, she might become another Diane de Poiters. Many commentators believed the Selene (Moon) connection to Henry (Chyren) was Diane de Poiters, mistress of Henry II. Diane used the moon as her device as it related to her first name, Diane (Diana). Henry II also incorporated Diane de Poitiers' symbol along with his own. In many ways, Diane de Poiters was the real power behind the throne, wielding much political influence. Diana as Selene may behave much like she did in her previous life as Princess of Wales, and as it is rumored Diane de Poiters may also have done on a few occasions, having several other lovers and paramours, perhaps only briefly.

3) A REPRESENTATIVE MORTAL NAMED SELENE, POSSIBLY RELATED TO DIANA. It is remotely possible that a woman whose first name is actually Selene will one day marry or become the mistress of Henry V... and she may look a lot like Princess Diana. Perhaps she may even be related to her, maybe a distant cousin. Again, that would not stop people from worshiping Diana as a goddess in temples dedicated to her, especially after witnessing her flaming apparition and hearing her speak some years earlier. They may even declare Selene is the mortal vessel of Diana, much as Semiramis was considered the mortal form of the goddess Ishtar in Babylonia.

To further add to the confusion and as an amendment to point 1 above, perhaps Princess Diana, as goddess Diana, may occasionally visit Henry and his wife, an actual mortal woman named Selene, in Annemarc in her mortal form.

Line 3 of Quatrain 10.35 in this context would be about the earlier time of the temple and a return to female priestesses and the garments worn by the Vestal virgins who attended both the temples of Diana and the temples of Vesta. According to Nostradamus, Diana will become Vesta to later generations who will confuse the two goddesses.

In the latter years of Annemarc and the Gallic Babylon, between 2250 AD and 2820 AD, Diana's love for both will sour as the final Babylon slowly becomes Mystery, Babylon and the Kings of Annemarc begin to resemble, more and more, the arrival of the final Antichrist (the beast of Revelation 13)

J.R.R. Tolkien did a wonderful narrative about a similar event regarding the decline and fall of the Númerorean Kings of the West, placing the final king, Ar-Pharazôn, in the role of the final Antichrist with Sauron in the role of The False Prophet. This can be read in the Akallabêth, an added historical chronicle in Tolkien's book, The Silmarillion.

As her love sours, Diana will demand chastity from her "vestals" and actually take on the role of Vesta: beautiful but chaste. In 2820 AD she will depart from this world entirely and return to the heavens forever, reigning there with her consort Mercury/Hermes, never again to return.

Again, line 4 reminds us that this goddess was originally a mortal woman of royal blood who died tragically at a very young age, and that her death was probably contrived and thus a murder.


Henry Ends All The Final Wars, Selene Weaves the Peace In Pakistan and India

Nostradamus Quatrain 6.27

Within the Isles of five rivers to one, by the crescent of the great Chyren Selene: Through the mists of the air, the furious one, six escape and hide in bundles of linen.

One of several Chyren selin quatrains that has been applied to Henri II of Valois and Diane de Poiters and misunderstood as wildly metaphorical and failed.

The Panjnad River is a river at the extreme end of the Bahawalpur district in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The river is formed by the successive confluence or merger of the five rivers of Punjab: the Jhelum River, the Chenab River, the Ravi River, the Beas River and the Sutlej River. Thus, it would appear that the great French monarch, Henry, will pacify the region of Pakistan and India, two nations that also had gotten caught up in the great global war. This could be the last region of the Middle East and Asia he will have to bring an end to fighting.

First he must contend with military air strikes by a leader or general described as "the furious one." Henry's forces will be victorious over the furious dark lord, killing him in the process. Six Pakistani soldiers escape by hiding in a transport truck under piles of bed blankets and bed sheets.

The crescent symbol does double duty here, first as the national flag of Pakistan. However the same lunar symbol will accompany Henry as the device of Selene (goddess or consort Princess Diana) who will play some instrumental role in weaving the peace. 

In life, Princess Diana was very vocal about the wars in the former Yugoslavia, and especially the one in Bosnia and Herzegovina (she did not live to see the one in Kosovo). Her final mission to the region in August 1997 dealt with the abolition of landmines and the continued danger posed by them in Bosnia.


Henry and Selene: The Marriage Treaty, Henry's Daughter Given In Marriage to Spanish Prince

Quatrain 8.54 ~

Under the colour of the marriage treaty, a magnanimous act by the Chyren Selene: St. Quintin and Arras recovered on the journey; by the Spanish a second butcher's bench is made. 

A seemingly half-fulfilled prophecy that occurred when the daughter of Henry II, Elizabeth, was given in marriage to Philip of Spain at the same time France celebrated the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis with the Habsburgs of Austria. Selene is usually associated by older and historical commentators with Henry's mistress, Diane de Poiters, yet she played no role in Henry's decision for Elizabeth to marry Philip rather than Philip's son, Carlos (as originally planned). 

It is unlike Nostradamus to feature a symbol such as the moon device so prominently into a prophecy unless the person associated with the symbol plays a part in the events predicted. Henry II (Chyren) did, Diane de Poitiers did not. Henry's prophesied invasion of Spain and revenge on its butcher of a king never occurred. Thus it is a half failed quatrain.

I don't accept this interpretation. For one thing, the marriage treaty would have been one with the king or prince who would be marrying Henry's daughter ... and that would have meant a treaty of some kind directly between France and Spain, not an unrelated one with Austria. Also where is Diane de Poitiers, so prominently featured as Chyren's "better half" (Selene)?

Far too many of the "Chyren" (Henryc/Henry) quatrains are either designated as failed or "alternative futures" for Henry II. Too many. It makes more sense to me that they are about a future Henry, the "great monarch" of Catholic prophecy who will bring an end to remaining conflicts in Italy, Spain, the Middle East, possibly North America, and other places still ongoing from a global war that is largely over with following the "three days of darkness." His standard will be the fleur de lys. Selene, again, as with Henry II of Valois, will in some way be the future French monarch's better half, whether she is a mortal woman or a divine one, and her symbol will be the moon.

It must be remembered that to most serious scholars of Catholic prophecy, the future Henry is Henri, Count of Chambord and Duke of Bordeaux, who died at age 62 one month shy of his 63rd birthday on August 24, 1883, and is "hidden" in death, but will be resurrected with many good people and saints during or after the three days of darkness. Selene is either a mortal woman similar to Diane de Poitiers who will become Henry's wife or mistress and use the moon as a symbol or else, like Henry, will likewise be among the resurrected ones.

It is highly likely that Selene will have previously been given a separate supernatural existence beforehand as the lady who speaks to a great people, indeed the world, from beneath consecrated burial ground and a divine apparition of her then appears as she speaks. She tells the people to overthrow the "masked and solitary ones" who currently run the Far Left wing of the Democratic Party and rule the city streets under the names of Antifa and BLM, and also to destroy the impure temples of the rich singular ones who have
given the Far Left adversaries of humanity their power and worship an evil god. 

At this time, the only woman imaginable who would fulfill such a role is the late Princess Diana whose own namesake is linked to the Moon. What kind of supernatural existence she will have is debated between those who see her as a saint and others who believe she will function at least as a minor goddess if not actually replacing the ancient Diana of Ephesus. Nostradamus mentions "the temple of Diana" three times in a futuristic context, twice regarding an empire called "Annemarc" that does not yet exist. This is likely Henry's empire after the the great Pontiff of prophecy crowns him Holy Roman Emperor, one who will be like Charlemagne.

Those who support the prophecies of the future Henry, the great monarch, are divided as to whether he will have an heir or heirs. Because it is argued that he is to be the last king of France, such continuity seems unlikely. But others argue that he will have heirs. Nostradamus agrees, and one of them is mentioned as "the Prince of Annermarc" in several quatrains. He appears in two quatrains that also mention the temple of Diana, and for good measure, in one of these quatrains he informs the reader that Diana will originally be a mortal woman who is murdered in Paris.

Nostradamus also explains that after Henry's death, France and Belgium will unite and become a new version of Gaul. That is why Henry will be the LAST King of France, because after his death France will no longer stand alone as a nation but will expand to Belgium and become Gaul again. The empire of Annemarc will continue to be ruled from this region, only now it will be Gaul instead of France. Nostradamus says Henry will have many heirs, both male and female, and five males will be very powerful over the empire's long era of nearly 800 years.

A marriage will be arranged between the beautiful daughter of Henry and that of a Spanish prince in order to establish a peace treaty. Colonies established in Artois and northern Picardy will be regained from Spain. The first murderous leader of Spain was an Iranian conqueror, one of the kings of the great Empire of Antichrist centered in Kazakhstan. According to Nostradamus, the King of Spain, father of the prince to whom Henry V gives his daughter in marriage, will himself become a murderous and evil tyrant.

Regarding Quatrain 8.54, the prophet mentions this union several times, but Spain becomes a politically and religiously unstable, divisive country where violent demonstrations, arson, mob violence, acts of terror, and assassinations become daily events. 

A great outrage is committed against the beautiful daughter of Henry when she is assassinated in her balcony box overlooking the stage while attending an opera or concert. 

The assassin is in some way connected to Spanish or Basque separatists during a fiery incursion into southwestern France. The Spanish city of Brisanne is a place of violence, fire, and terror.

The complete verse is below:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 10.25  ~

By the Ebro a passage is opened to Brisanne, a good distance away the Tagus makes a demonstration. In Perigueux the outrage will be committed against the great lady sitting above the orchestra.

A beautiful French princess, married to a Spanish Prince, will be killed while attending a music concert in the 2070's by a female Spanish assassin using a high-powered rifle during a time of mass protests in the nearby city of Brisanne. 

Statues of Diana and Michael, the Mystic (Mercury) Found in Lake During the Messianic Millennium 

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.36 ~

It will be commissioned for the anointed ones, brought from Saulnier, Saint Aubin, and Bell'oeuvre to pave with marble from distant towers taken, not to resist Bleteram and his masterpiece.

An architect and sculptor named Bleteram will produce colossal buildings, architecture, temples, bridges, sculptures, statues, cities, and streets from marble gathered from all over the planet, much of it belonging to heathen and sinful civilizations. He will be commissioned to perform this massive undertaking by the powerful anointed ones in the ecclesiastical government of Christ, the Messiah. Several high priestesses will object to the project, but the Messiah will give the architect his blessing.

During the massive project, Bleteram and his followers will look for a special type of clay in a newly discovered lake. Inside and beneath the lake, Bleteram will discover silver statues of Diana, Princess of Wales and others in her role as the divine Goddess of the Moon and Hunting. Also found in the lake with her statues are silver statues of Michael the mystic, the one who traveled far and wide to save a great nation from subjection, also her lover in the supernatural realm. He was made immortal in a fire ritual by Diana's disciples and became the god Mercury. Bleteram and his followers turn into gold when they discover all the silver statues of Diana and Mercury together. 

Nostradamus, Quatrain 9.12 ~

So much silver of Diana and Mercury, the images will be found in the lake: The sculptor looking for new clay, he and his followers will be steeped in gold. 

Rescuing the statues of beloved Diana and Mercury from the lake will bring inner refinement, love, and peace. 

However, Bleteram will also discover in the lake idols of the beast, the false prophet, the Whore of Bablylon, and other evil kings, priests, and priestesses. These statues, along with writings and documents from that age found in a cave nearby, will be cast by the holy angels into the Lake of Fire to burn for all eternity.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.28 ~

The idols of gold and silver elevated which after the rapture into the lake of fire were never thrown, upon discovery all are exhausted and troubled. All marble, writings, and precepts destroyed.

The people and the angels rejoice when the idols and their evil writings and laws are destroyed in the Lake of Fire. The REAL false prophet, beast, and Whore of Babylon have already been in the Lake for nearly a century and their eternal torment is celebrated once again when their statues are thrown in to join them.

Diana and Mercury look down from Heaven and laugh and rejoice with the inhabitants of 2907 AD Earth.

The "Younger Selene": A Teenage Diana Double

It is important to know that in Nostradamus prophecy, Diana, Artemis, and Selene all refer to the same goddess of the moon and hunting. Selene appears as the word "Selin" (Selin = Seline = Selene). But I would add that it is also the only lunar goddess name that, in some quatrains, Nostradamus applies to a future resurrected Ottoman Empire (the crescent moon symbol). 

So context is very important when reading the "Selin" quatrains, and there are many.

Most Nostradamus scholars have applied Selin (Selene) to Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of Henry II of Valois, who used the moon and lunar symbols as her devices. The big problem with this perspective is that 90% of the time the interpretation falls flat on its face as the quatrains concerning Selene as Diane de Poitiers failed to happen. In many cases they were linked to prophecies concerning Henry II which failed to happen. The reasoning has always been that because Henry died from an injury sustained during a jousting tournament, that all the prophecies of what he was to do afterwards in what could only be an "alternative future" were nullified, dragging Diane's role in them and in other quatrains down the same black hole. Unfortunately, that represents way too many failed quatrains, and if we are to believe that Nostradamus was that much in error, it utterly destroys his integrity as a prophet and seer of visions.

It makes more sense to me that the quatrains linking Selene to Henry are about the future Henry, the champion of Catholic prophecy who pacifies the world by ending a global war following "the three days of darkness." I believe Nostradamus is referring to the late Princess Diana in the quatrain dealing with a woman buried under consecrated ground (burial ground) who comes alive and speaks to many people, appearing at first as a flame-like apparition. I can think of no other deceased woman of the last 500 years who would make a larger impact on the world if she somehow returns from the dead or else becomes something like a goddess than the late Princess Diana. Plus Nostradamus mentions "the Temple of Diana" as an important future religion and institution during the time when Annemarc is an empire, the same empire Henry V will rule over.

If you can believe what Catholic prophecy interpreters say, that a man dead since 1883 will return from the dead appearing as a man of 40 and become the king of France and then later crowned a Holy Roman Emperor like Charlemagne, then my beliefs concerning Princess Diana also being somehow resurrected or deified are not so far out.

As I have stated, either a mortal woman who looks like and perhaps is related to Princess Diana, or the supernatural Diana, worshiped and honored as a goddess or saint and who appears at the court of Annemarc in mortal form, will go by the name of Selene. She may be called a "princess" or may even become the wife or mistress of Henry V, in which case she might be "queen" for a time, then over the many years and centuries of Annemarc, will be called Princess Selene or simply Selene when in her human form.

We can surmise due to many unfulfilled quatrains dealing with events yet to come in the middle and latter parts of this century that as expansive as the Empire of Annemarc will become, there will be some countries opposed to it. One that engages in an adversarial relationship with the power center in France (which later becomes a New Gaul by combining France with Belgium) is the kingdom of Spain. Yet another appears to be "those of the Rhine" and "Augsburg," which is to say Germany.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.12 ~

Near Lake Geneva she will be led by a foreign maiden willing to betray her: Before her murder at Augsburg, the great suite, and those from the Rhine will come to invade her.

A young Gallic duchess from Annemarc is conducted to a place near Lake Geneva in Switzerland by a maiden of noble birth, age 15. In Nostradamus's time, a maiden was an unmarried female aged 15 or 16. The young duchess will be given a spacious hotel suite in nearby Augsburg to live in. All the while the teen girl will be part of a German plot to murder the duchess.

In the next quatrain (8.31) the teen is called "the younger Selene," which means she will look like Selene of the empire of Annemarc, the mortal version of the moon goddess Diana, and will resemble Princess Diana when she was 15 years of age. She will be a false Diana, in other words, an evil and teenage version of Princess Diana. Her resemblance to Selena (Princess Diana, Goddess Diana) will make her a major asset to the German/Spanish bloc fomenting insurrections and assassinations within the Empire of Annemarc because many will be led to believe she is the actual Selena or in some manner related to her. They will trust the image of "the younger Selene."

The maiden will arrange to have the hotel rooms empty, the lobby unattended, and the stairs, elevators, rooms, and floors without security guards. All the while the teen Selene replica has been playing the part of close friend and confidante to the duchess. After reassuring her that all is well in the hotel, she excuses herself and leaves the now empty and unguarded hotel for an hour. 

A group of five German men and women then walk into the hotel, enter the large bedroom suite, and the duchess is strangled in her bed by one of five German assassins, three males posing as rich playboys, and two female German assassins posing as rich socialites.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.31 ~

The first great fruit of the Prince of Peschiera, but then will come good, then cruel evil. Inside Venice will lose its proud glory, and put to harm by the younger Selene. 

A maiden of noble birth who will look like Princess Selene of Annemarc, as she might have looked at the age of 16, will be assigned by Germany to find and meet with the dark-haired and handsome Prince of Peschiera del Garda and his dark-haired wife, Princess Claudia. The teen Selene lookalike meets the royal couple and is invited to dinner at their villa at which time they ask her to stay a while with them at their villa as a diplomatic guest.

Weeks turn into months. One night the Prince of Peschiera notices their teen guest, who often goes off to the bedroom or outdoors at the villa alone, doing something quite strange. He sees her eyes turn blue and even glow blue in the dark bedroom. What he does not know is that she is communicating with her German superiors by texting them telepathically using blue contact lenses that work in a similar manner to a smartphone. In fact, she will continue doing this at least once a week for next four years. The teen Selene double notices the Prince peering in and allows the contacts to glow. Overcome by emotion, he allows her to seduce him that night, but only for that one time, vowing not to allow it to happen again.

Princess Claudia, the pregnant wife of the Prince of Peschiera del Garda, will later give birth to a daughter (the first great fruit) in their stately villa. The teen Selene lookalike, age 16, will be given the job to be a nursemaid for the baby girl, and all will seem very good for a time. She will gain the confidence and love of the Prince and Princess of Peschiera del Garda and they will have many happy times together in the villa and in the town.

The teen diplomat will be given the job to be a nursemaid for the baby girl, and all will seem very good for a time. She will gain the confidence of the Prince and Princess of Peschiera del Garda and they will have many happy times together in the villa and in the town. But again, this very young and evil replica of Princess Selene will be plotting evil for southern Italy and especially for the city of Venice.

At age 19, she will seduce the Prince yet again as she had three years earlier, but this time it leads to an affair and she becomes his mistress, thus driving his wife, Princess Claudia, to suicide at the age of 33 (the first instance of "cruel evil"). 

During the dark, misty, early morning hours of August 5, local Internet television news on widescreen and smartphone in Peschiera del Garda stuns the community as viewers watch the body of Princess Claudia, age 33, dressed only in lingerie, being carefully taken down by two ambulance paramedics from a tree limb she hanged herself from using a black waist sash. Clearly a suicide, her body is carried to the ambulance, placed in the back of the vehicle, the two paramedics climb inside and drive the body to the morgue. The viewers are in shock. 

A huge funeral is held in the town of Peschiera del Garda for the beautiful Princess Claudia of Peschiera del Garda and thousands of townspeople attend, weeping to see her dead but still beautiful in an open casket that is paraded through the streets, declaring she only looks like she is asleep.

A year later, the young replica of Selene. now age 20, has remained on as the mistress of the Prince of Peschiera del Garda. What the Prince of Peschiera del Garda does not know is that the false Selene is and has been working as an espionage agent and contract killer for special interest groups in Germany since the age of 15. Her first assignment was the murder of the Duchess of Annemarc at a hotel suite in the city of Augsburg which required a month of planning.

Thanks to the machinations of the young Selene replica, Venice will fall into chaos, arson, violence and rebellion, and the Prince will be shot and killed in the streets of Peschiera del Garda by an angry Sardinian assailant.

The false version of Selene will attend the  funeral of the Prince and weep crocodile tears, then leave Venice, satisfied with her awful mission, laughing at the mischief and evil she has caused, wondering in anticipation what her next terrible mission will be.

But she does have a heart because she loves children. The beautiful but dangerous Princess Selene replica makes sure the child she helped raise, now about to turn age 5, that the late Princess Claudia had given birth to, will be adopted by rich and loving parents, a couple she knows in Germany.

Page Under Construction (to be continued)

Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum. Habemus Papam! Qui sibi nomen imposuit: Franciscum, 'Ingis ardens' 

The number of papal prophecies made by various prophets over the centuries are so many and so varied that I will probably never cover them all in my remaining lifetime. Thus this feature page will likely never be truly completed.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.97: The Prophecy of the City Between Two Rivers and The Blooming of The Rose

Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.97 ~ 

Roman Pontiff beware of your approaching,
The city where two rivers arouse,
Your blood will come from the spitting,
 You and yours when the Rose will flourish.

Whenever Pope Francis, or any future pope, chooses to venture into the Mesopotamian "land between two rivers," then I must revert to the original premise of the Pope John Paul II page when it was created in May 1999 to warn the late pope of possible assassination if he visited Iraq. At that time, a planned trip to visit Iraq the previous year in 1998 had been cancelled as preparations for a three-day bombing campaign of Baghdad and outlying cities over weapons inspections violations were underway, making such a trip impossible. Another trip planned for 2000 was cancelled by Saddam Hussein himself.

I never believed the nation or the region was safe for a papal visit then and still believe it to be inherently dangerous despite a safe trip made to Iraq by Pope Francis during the first week of March 2021. In my blog I explained the timing was right due to details in prophecy that spring, especially the time when roses are in bloom, is the time to avoid certain cities and regions watered by two rivers, especially places caught up in war, other military actions, civil war, terrorism, or revolution. Early March, still officially winter, with Iraq reasonably pacified, was safe for the time being.

You can read my views about the Pope's pending March 2021 trip to Iraq on my blog at Why Quatrain 2.97 Sets Off Alarm Bells When the Pope Says He Will Visit Iraq, WARNING TO THE POPE: THE REAL CITY WATERED BY TWO RIVERS MAY BE ERBIL, and (just in time to allow everyone to relax before the trip) "The Rose": Despite Nostradamus' stern warning, one contingency in Quatrain 2.97 will not be met, thus possibly ensuring a safe trip for Pope Francis.

I am not so optimistic about another future visit to the region by this pope or a successor. 

Quatrain 2.97 suggests an anti-Christian leader, possibly whoever is the proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State (IS), will order the Pope and everyone in his entourage to be gunned down during a visit to a river port city in Iraq. According to Nostradamus they will bleed from the mouth due to internal hemorrhaging. The prophecy also states that the deadly visit will be scheduled to take place "when the Rose will flourish." Roses can bloom anytime between mid-May and throughout September, although the big flush for Old European roses, the kind Nostradamus would have been most familiar with, is usually in June. 

An alternative meaning of "the Rose" (since the "R" is capitalized in many editions) is that it is a person, likely a female. For many years I believed this was somehow related to a future appearance of a flaming apparition of Princess Diana, something you can read about on my Diana: Mortal and Goddess page. However, in life, she was never given the nickname The Rose, and only became "England's Rose" after her tragic death in Paris when eulogized in song by pop singer and composer Elton John.

Since 2019, The Rose has become closely associated with pop singer Britney Spears on her Instagram account. She wears garlands of roses in her hair, decorates her Instagram messages with rose emojis as often as possible, wears rose or pink colored clothing, has been seen dancing in videos before a large portrait of the late Princess Diana ("England's Rose," with whom she identifies) wearing a pink dress, and periodically mentions "Project Rose" and reminds us not to forget about the importance of the project to her and its symbol. She is the only woman with a high degree of fame (she is the fifth most famous female on the planet) who has been doing this over the last four years.

Britney has her eyes on the Vatican as well, recently posting a photo of it on either Instagram or X (the former Twitter). Someday, maybe, she will even meet the Pope. Then, at a time when she flourishes in some way, perhaps career-wise and possibly in spring, a papal trip may be in jeopardy. Perhaps she will even seek to warn the Pope of the danger he may be in in time to prevent it.

You can read more about Britney Spears' use of The Rose as her device on my Who Is The Rose? page.

There is a possibility, however, that the city of two rivers may be either Lyon or Paris if a major war forces this pope or a future pope to flee Rome and seek to return the Vatican to the 14th Century residences in Avignon in southern France.

For some reason I get the impression that the city or place of doom will be observed by sea and not by air ... and at this time air travel is the most common mode of transportation for visitations by members of the Holy See and the Pontiff.

At the time being, the greatest danger posed to the Pope in Mesopotamia or Iraq itself comes from the group known as ISIS, although perceived as having been severely weakened, or civil violence and terrorism in southern Iraq and Sadr City. Iran also launches occasional attacks in Iraq due to a continued US presence there.

Between 2013 and 2019, militants loyal to their "emir," the late Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, massacred Iraqi and Syrian Christians by the many thousands, subjecting them, along with Zoroastrians and Muslims not willing to follow Sharia law, to beheadings, garrotings, mass shootings, and being burned alive in metal cages; subjecting them to the mass abductions of their wives and fiancées; subjecting their unmarried women and girls into forced marriages with the jihadists or else being raped and murdered; and subjecting their children to mass beheadings or being dashed to pieces. Today, they are still known under the acronym of ISIS. When they reached the peak of their power, they called the territories they had raped, pillaged, ruined, and taken control of by force as a caliphate known as the Islamic State (IS).

That state, for the time being, appears all but destroyed by the US, Russia, Syria, Turkey and other partners in the region dedicated to neutralizing this inhuman sect. In October 2019, the leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed by US air strikes. Afterwards his successor, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, was also killed during a US raid in February 2022. Since then two more ISIS leaders (with very similar names) have been killed by paramilitary organizations in Syria and Iraq, the fourth leader apparently killed in April 2023. It is fortunate for the world that these men live no longer and that ISIS has been severely diminished. Their planned caliphate in the 2010's could have led to the formation of a ten-nation "beast empire" in the Middle East, making either leader a candidate for the beast of Revelation 13 or else quite possibly a fulfillment of one of the other dark figures found in Islamic prophecy who will precede him known as the Sufyani.

Unfortunately, the victory over ISIS and the destruction of its four leaders was probably only temporary. It has rebuilt and is growing more powerful and threatening each day under yet another tyrant. ISIS though mostly driven out of Syria, remains in northern Iraq.

In addition, war is being waged between Israel and Iran via Iranian troops and proxy troops stationed in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and even in Gaza. The nature of the conflict is largely by air using missiles and rockets, although Israel has also attacked Iranian military ships in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and elsewhere., sinking one warship last year. Iran has also provoked the United States to take action against it by intimidating and firing on US and allied ships and oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.

In January 2021, Iran fired over a dozen ballistic missiles at US and coalition forces in Iraq. This in retaliation for the US killing of key Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike at Baghdad International airport. Meantime Iranian proxies in Iraq attacked US soldiers and plan to continue to fire rockets at US forces and bases in Iraq. Periodically, since October 2019, anti-government protesters in Iraq have taken to the streets, often becoming involved in deadly clashes with supporters of pro-Iranian Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr. Iran has been using al-Sadr and other forces within Iraq to attack and kill demonstrators. The US finds itself fighting a similar war of occupation it fought over a decade ago due to the extremism, but with the added threat from Iranian forces. 

It seems that Iraq has been and will remain a dangerous place for some time to come.

The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy 

It remains clear as ever that the above prophetic verse, Quatrain 2.97, inked by Michel de Notredame in 1554, does have some characteristics that are similar to what was revealed concerning the prophecy revealed in the Third Secret of Fatima as to possibly be another facet of the vision. Then again, there are striking differences. In any event, there is now no question that the vision contained in the Third Secret of Fatima was not fulfilled with the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981 as suggested by leading cardinals after the release of the transcript on June 26, 2000.

Complete Translation of Original Text by Lucia dos Santos

VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2000 (VIS) - Given below is the complete translation of the original Portuguese text of the third part of the secret of Fatima, revealed to the three shepherd children at Cova da Iria-Fatima on July 13, 1917, and committed to paper by Sr. Lucia on January 3, 1944:

"I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine."

"After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'."

And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way.

Having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. 

Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God."

It has been declared that the May 1981 attack on Pope John Paul II's life in Rome by Turkish assailant Mehmet Ali Agca was the fulfillment of the Third Secret of Fatima. This plainly cannot be the meaning of the Third Secret. First of all, according to the translated text of the letter written by Sr. Lucia, "the Bishop dressed in White" is accompanied by a large number of bishops, priests, nuns, and various lay people -- all of whom are killed along with the pope. 

Secondly, and this is most important, the Pope visits a large (and probably major) city that is half-destroyed and littered with corpses. It is quite obvious that a major war is going on at the time since so many dead people lay in the streets. If not for all the corpses, the city might otherwise be numerous ancient ruins allowed to still be standing in a part of an otherwise thriving city.

Thirdly, the Pope and his clergy are killed by soldiers (or else people who are similar to soldiers, such as the IS terrorist militants) ... and not by a single deranged man in a crowd.

The mountain with the rugged cross at its top is a mystery if applied to Mesopotamia. I can find no evidence of a holy mountain associated with Christianity existing anywhere in Iraq or Syria (or in France for that matter)! Could the mountain somehow be symbolic, a metaphor for the tribulation of the Holy Church and Christendom? If you know of such a mountain with a cross at its summit in Iraq and the adjacent part of Syria ... or anywhere in the world for that matter ... please do leave a comment on my blog or via email!

The sprinkling of souls with the blood of the martyrs by angels may be the sealing of the 144,000 of the tribes of children of Israel as described in the Book of Revelation. If not, it is something that will precede that event and involve the blessing upon the faithful. 

We are introduced to a new figure -- what may be an angel of the Apocalypse described as "an Angel with a flaming sword." He is actually introduced well before the appearance of the Bishop in White. Mary stays the world-consuming fire from his hand. This suggests that nuclear war has nearly occurred but was prevented by Mary's intercession and prayer. 

Could this then be an oblique reference to Russia's war in Ukraine and a supernatural prevention of nuclear war?

I strongly believe there may be a linkage between the "Roman Pontiff" and his clergy who are slain in Nostradamus' Quatrain 2.97 and the "Bishop dressed in White" and his clergy and lay people who are gunned down in the Third Secret of Fatima

Since the vision clearly states that the "Bishop clothed in White" (the Pope) will be slain along with "the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious" by soldiers firing bullets, I submit to you that this is remarkably similar to Quatrain 2.97 which warns the pontiff that both "you and yours" will come to spit blood in a city watered or aroused by two rivers. Even though, by miracle, Saint John Paul II was spared during the attack on his life by Mehmet Ali Agca forty-two years ago, this does not explain why he alone was attacked when the Third Secret states that the Bishop in White will crawl over the corpses of his entourage and followers. This is also what Quatrain 2.97 indicates when saying "both you and yours." 

Because the pope is described as being "afflicted with pain and sorrow" one might conclude that this is a frail and elderly pontiff. However, we cannot discount the possibility that the "pain and sorrow" is a result of the terrible war and persecution to come. 

I have little doubt that events described in Quatrain 2.97 and the Third Secret of Fatima will happen. And if events are as predestined as they appear to be in the Third Secret of Fatima, then all the warnings in the world will not save the then-reigning Pope or those who will be slain with him. 

Unfortunately, Francis or one of his successors risk possible assassination in any "big city" that is “aroused by two rivers.” An act of terrorism against the Pope and his entourage could occur anywhere in the world at the behest of any terrorist leader or national leader who may order a pope and everyone in his entourage to be shot by terrorists, militants, or even the military during a visit to a major port city near a dual river system. According to Nostradamus they will all bleed from the mouth from internal hemorrhaging. 

Due to similarities between Quatrain 2.97 and a prominent theme in the text released in 2000 of the Third Secret of Fatima, I also suspect the papal visit will occur during a major war or even a global war. After all, there are already half-destroyed cities in Syria and Iraq ... a result of the campaign of mass death carried out by either Bashar al-Assad or ISIS. There are also half-destroyed cities in Ukraine, courtesy of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Soon there may be half-destroyed cities in Poland, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, and the rest of the Balkans as well. We cannot apply ourselves to anything specific concerning any trip to Iraq or Syria, or Ukraine or Russia, until we know exactly where it will be and when. 

The world is a dark and evil place, much more so at this time than it was during the reigns of Saint John XXII and Saint John Paul II and his successor, Benedict XVI. For prophecy tells us the challenges to come are dreadful ones indeed. And Pope Francis, and those who may follow, will be forced to contend with them, perhaps to the very death. 

Many have noted with wonder the fact that Pope Francis is the first pontiff to be elected from Latin America ... from the nation of Argentina. Nostradamus actually predicted that a pope from Latin America would be elected. But the wise sage also made another prediction in the same prophecy, and in so doing, supports my long-held belief that the greatest pope in Vatican history will come from ancient France. This is what he says:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.49 ~ 

Not from Spain but from ancient France
 Will be the one elected for the trembling ship,
 To the enemy will be made a trust,
 In whose reign will be a cruel plague.

When Nostradamus mentions a "trembling ship" in his quatrains and its pope, he is referring to a time when the Church is in danger of breaking up (schism) or being terribly troubled and its very existence threatened by world events. According to the French prophet, when such a time arrives, many people will believe this great pope will be one of two popes to come. One, the pope St. Malachy prophesied will be the 112th and last in succession, and given the motto Petrus Romanus. When Pope Francis of Argentina ("Spain") was elected, it was proclaimed that he was the final pope in Malachy's list. The other major pontiff to come is the French pope of Catholic prophecy who appears after the three days of darkness and the end of a terrible world war.

Nostradamus warns the greatest pope to come will not be from Spain (or new Spain, South America) but will be born in ancient France. Ancient France would be the Celtic region of Brittany (northeastern France). Also, neither the pope from Spain or the one to come from France will be the final pope of Malachy.

I argued at the time, and continue to argue, that Malachy's list is off by nine popes due to the fact that nine antipopes were given papal mottos by the Catholic Church who should not have been. That is why I have rolled back the clock on Malachy and find Pope Francis is actually Ignis ardensThus there are still nine popes to come before the end of the world.

In many ways, the state of affairs when Francis was elected was similar to what Nostradamus describes it will be when the French pope is elected: a church threatened by schisms internally and persecution and destruction externally. That is what is meant by "trembling ship." In any event, the time for the Pope from ancient France (the real Pastor angelicus) is still in the future, and he will actually be the one who joins forces with Henry V, the future French monarch who appears after the "three days of darkness" and brings an end to a long terrible world war. Nor, obviously, is he Petrus Romanus, the final pope.  Catholic prophecy tells us what happens after the reign of the French pope and that there will be more popes to come.

We currently have the Pope from Spain (Francis) and the rest of the quatrain deals with him.

The enemy to which a promise is made may be Russia's Vladimir Putin, who is much more capable of directly harming Europe and Rome than any leader or group in the Middle East ... unless it is the nation of Iran. The prophet Daniel warns that Persia (Iran) will eventually declare war on Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans. Why remains a mystery at this time. The same prophecy uses the Hebrew word "Yawan" which can also be applied to Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Iran and Saudi Arabia have nearly come to blows twice since Arab Spring regarding the proxy war being fought in Yemen. 

As for the cruel plague, it will sweep into Europe and America from either Asia or Africa. Most recently, since 2020, has come the pandemic from China referred to as COVID, still around today even in 2023, or the extremely deadly ebola  which almost went pandemic in 2014 and again in 2021. Both are horrible diseases to be feared, and their effects on the body are most cruel indeed. I have projected a "false" plague to arrive in 2028 and another related to COVID in 2031.

The "Not Quite Pope" and the Antipope

A great tumult will follow the death or retirement of Pope Francis and a papal election called. At this time the papacy will be racing towards a great schism, not as large as the one of 1378 to 1417 but one of much shorter duration similar to the Great Schism of 1054. Nostradamus believed the Church would undergo several schisms in our future, each one separated by a great many years. This short one will be the first of them.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 5.46 ~

By red hats & quarrels, new schisms when the Sabine will have been elected: They will produce a great sophism against him, and Rome will be injured by the Albanians.

This successor to Francis, from the central Apennine Mountains of Italy (the Sabine), may be in power during the opening of the Schism, it is not entirely clear, but at his death only seven months later, the schism will move into full force.

It is not clear if The Sabine is ever entirely recognized as pope since, according to Nostradamus, he fails to completely obtain the prelature. "Great sophism" will be raised against him, indicating a large faction of the Church will not recognize his authority. Also he dies seven months after election, still in the process of trying to receive full approval, making him quite possibly an antipope or else an "almost but not quite pope."

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.93 ~

Seven months, no longer, without further prelature obtained, through his death a great schism will arise: For seven months another acts as prelate, near Venice, peace and union are reborn.

After his death there will be no legitimate pope for yet another seven months, but the Church will be ruled over by one who will definitely be considered an antipope because he will be appointed by the opposition in the struggle. His reign likewise will be only for seven months. 

Not since the reigns of Pope Stephen IX (August 3, 1057 to March 29, 1058) followed by the brief reign of Antipope Benedict X (April 4, 1058 to January 24, 1059) will we see anything quite like this. 

The schism will end, and a new pope who will reign for 13 years will be elected who will take the name Pope Paul VII.

If we continue to take St. Malachy seriously, the two schism popes (a near pope and an antipope) may not (or should not) receive mottoes nor be considered in the lineage of 112 popes.

One other important feature of both reigns, and possibly during the reign of Pope Paul VII, will be a war between the Kosovar Albanians, Serbia, and Macedonia. It is possible this war will become a part of a war between Turkey and Greece or even the one between Russia and Ukraine. Italy and the Vatican will refuse to take sides and will be subjected to attacks, probably air strikes. Vatican City itself will not be spared attacks either. With the inclusion of Libya, Egypt, and eventually Iran, this conflict will become the great Eastern Mediterranean Conflict which will spread also to the Adriatic Sea.

The Sabine "almost pope" will die peacefully in his sleep after which an illegal election will place an actual antipope on the throne of St. Peter. Then, when the Church is at peace but the world involved in an unfolding global war, will arrive Pope Paul VII.

Pope Paul VII, Religio depopulata

After the reign of the antipope will come a new election and a new pope.

To this person may be attributed the motto Religio depopulata ("Religion Depopulated" or "Religion Laid Waste") ... indicating either a great loss of human life worldwide from various causes and/or mass execution and sacrificing of Christians.

Elsewhere Nostradamus tells us he will reign for thirteen years. That could well be 2025 to 2038.

This is likely the Pope who flees the Vatican at the time of the "great star" prophesied by Nostradamus. If not, then that fate will fall to the next pope: Fides intrepida ("Intrepid Faith").

Either Religio depopulata or Fides intrepida will flee Rome for Avignon, France, take up residence in the old papal castles of Avignon, France, where popes reigned in exile during the 14th century, and will die during an Islamic invasion of southern France after the fall of Marseilles. 

Again, according to Nostradamus, a pope named Paul (Paul VII) dies 9 miles from the Rhone River near Avignon during a military attack and another dies a horrible death in Tunisia. Thus, I would consider Paul VII, Religio depopulata, to be the one who is forced to flee Rome when a supernova blazes for seven days and nights.

The following quatrain is about this future pope who will witness the great star on the night that he is forced to flee the Vatican:

Nostradamus, Quatrain 2.41 ~ 

The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will cause two suns to appear:
The great mastiff will howl all night,
When the great pontiff will change his abode.

In a series of frightening quatrains, Nostradamus describes an invasion of southern France via the Pyrenees and from the port at Marseilles. It culminates with nearly a million dead French civilians killed by "fire from the sky" as they flee northwards toward Lyon (which is also captured by the enemy). I believe the cause of the "fire" may be Fuel Air Explosives, sometimes called the poor man's nuclear bomb. The devastation from FAEs is nearly as horrific as that caused by atomic bombs, only without the radiation.

This southern advance I believe will be led by powerful Iranian and North African allies of a newly formed Central Asian "empire of Antichrist." 

Nostradamus, Quatrain 8.46 ~ 

Paul the celibate will die three leagues from the Rhone, the two nearest flee the Tarascon monster: When Mars will make a most horrible throne, the cock and the eagle, France, the three brothers. 

The reign of "Pol Mensolee" (Pope Paul VII) in southern France will be cruelly cut short, for war will have come to Southern Europe, first having forced him to flee Rome during the appearance of the supernova and then secondly to escape to France ... only to be killed-in-action in Avignon during a military attack. 

This empire, led by Kazakhstan and Iran, will take up nearly all of Asia, including all of Eastern Russia, east of the Urals. This is what Nostradamus actually spells out in his Epistle to Henry II. The capital cities will be Astana and Tehran.

Western Russia, that is Russia west of The Urals, will become a Central Asian slave state. China and its little ally North Korea will be fragmented and fractured and rendered impotent. Nevertheless, Russian and Chinese soldiers will be forced to fight on the side of Central Asia and Iran. 

Prior to and during the "three days of darkness," the combined Asian and slave state forces will press westward into Austria and Germany from the former Warsaw Pact and north into Scandinavia. 

If the world wasn't already at war it will be now. But, unbeknownst to this empire of Antichrist, their weapons of war will have been created by a demonic technology, and the dark dimensions will merge with our own, creating the "three days of darkness." Billions will die during those three days and nights ... and most of the invading armies will die in horror and agonizing pain as their flesh blackens and falls from their bones.

A German Antipope Raises an Army Against the Enemy, Intrepid faith

The big question mark I have is where and when does St. Malachy's Intrepid faith arrive?

Some prophecies indicate that after the death of Paul VII, there will be no pope for 25 months. 

Yet, another states the following:

Merlin (6th century) ~

There will come a German Anti-Pope. Italy and Germany will be sorely troubled. A French King will restore the true Pope ...

There were many who thought the late Pope Benedict XVI was this German antipope. But that was never possible as we are still many years away from the advent of "the great French Pontiff" (Pastor angelicus) who will be elected pope after the brief reign of the German antipope, when the "grand Monarch," Henry, takes the throne of France and becomes a latter day Holy Carolingian Emperor as well ... as a 21st Century Charlemagne. 

This may be why Nostradamus describes the Catholic Church as being schismatic and trembling when "the Pope from ancient France" comes to power. This may have something to do with the German antipope. Whoever this German will be, there must be something great about him in his own right if Malachy gave him the motto "Intrepid Faith." Regardless of Merlin's assessmentSt. Malachy must have considered this man to be worthy of being called Pope.

Indeed, there is some confusion and contradiction in prophecy concerning the nationality of the great Pontiff. The vast majority have created a consensus that this future pope will be from France. Nostradamus, as we saw earlier in the article, was even more specific and declared he will arise from ancient France, which is in the northeast, the land of the French Celts, known as Brittany. The French seer mentions elsewhere that the Pope will be Celtic and a Breton.

The great Pontiff of Celtic France is Elected, Restores Rome, Crowns Henri Holy Roman Emperor, Pastor angelicus

According to many prophecies, Rome will be destroyed and a pope elected in exile. A French pope will return to rebuild Rome's papal palaces and residences. Often called "the great Pontiff" he will assist another French figure known as the "great Monarch" to restore peace, order, and law after the end of the great global conflict of World War Three that segues into World War IV.

Nostradamus says of this pope: 

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.28 ~ 

The great Celt will enter into Rome with a great mass of exiles and banished:
 The great pastor will put to death every man united over the Alps against the cock (France).

So, clearly it can be seen that a "great pastor" will return to Rome in the post-war period and will indeed become a dreadful judge ... as he will have the power of life and death over the enemies of Christendom.

Pastor angelicus (Angelic Shepherd) will have an army as popes of old once did. Eventually, he will reign alongside the future "great Monarch" who will bring an end to the world war.

It almost appears to be a contradiction, because so many prophecies say there will be peace after the three days of darkness and that the great French monarch, Henry, many claiming him to be the resurrected Count of Chambord as well, will wage a war of liberation in France to overthrow the false pretender and take up the true throne of the fleur-de-lys. 

But other prophecies contend that after bringing peace to France and other adjacent European nations, the French monarch will have to pacify different parts of the world still involved in major conflicts, one of the last places being the Middle East and South Asia

Abbot Joachim Merlin (died 1202) ~

Before, however, being firmly and solidly established in the Holy See (in Rome), there will be innumerable wars and violent conflicts during which the sacred throne (in France) shall be shaken. But through the favor of divine clemency, moved by the prayers of the faithful, everything will succeed so well that they shall be able to sing hymns of thanksgiving to the glory of the Lord.

The Pope, elected in Avignon and reigning from that place in southern France, will not be fully installed to the Holy See in Rome until a new civil war in Italy ends three or three-and-a-half years later in 2044. The great French Pontiff dies 6 1/2 years after taking up his reign in Rome in early 2045, which would be around the summer of 2051 AD.

Capuchin Friar (1776) ~

By the Catholic clergy and people the true and lawful Pope will be elected, who shall be a man of great holiness and goodness of life. 

A scion of the Carlovingian race, by all considered extinct, will come to Rome to behold and admire the clemency of this Pontiff, who will crown him, and declare him to be the legitimate Emperor of the Romans, and from the Chair of St. Peter, the Pope will lift up the standard, the crucifix, and will give it to the new emperor. 

This new emperor, with the robust Italian and French people, and with those of other nations, will form a most Powerful host, called the Church Army, through which he shall destroy the Ottoman Empire, all heresies, and shall also totally defeat the Emperor of the North, who is called Mystic Antichrist. 

The above mentioned new emperor, with the assistance of God and of the Pope, will cooperate to the reformation of abuses; will assume the management of the temporal government; will assign a decent pension to the Supreme Pontiff, and also the bishops and clergy: and they all, being detached from earthly covetousness, will live in peace, which shall last till the end of time. 

Of course, if we read other prophecies and Nostradamus as well, we know the peace will not last until "the end of time," which will not come until the Millennial Reign begins in the year 2827 AD. But Henry's reign and peace will last for 56 or 57 years and total world peace will continue well after that time thanks to Henry's heirs in the Empire of Annemarc according to Nostradamus.

The Reign of the French Pope in Rome Ends 6 1/2 Years Later With His Death in a Strange Country

The Pope will be elected while still in exile, he and his clergy. That will likely still be in Avignon in southern France sometime after Henry the Great enters and drives out the foreign armies and the army of the false pretender in 2039 following the three days of darkness. Thus, the great French Pontiff's election may not happen until 2040. But Henry will not take notice of the Pope until after a 3 1/2 year civil war in Italy ends in 2044 and Pastor angelicus returns to Rome in 2045 to occupy the Holy See (according to Nostradamus all of the wars will not end until late 2044 or early 2045). Six and half years later he will die while visiting a foreign nation, probably in the Middle East, sometime in spring or summer 2051. Thus his total reign will be eleven years.

Much will happen during those eleven years.

Abbot Joachim Merlin ~ 

He will be the joy of God's elect. This angelic pope will preach the gospel in every country. Through his zeal and solicitude the Greek Church shall be forever reunited to the Catholic Church. This holy Pope shall be both pastor and reformer. 

Through him the East and West shall be in everlasting concord. The city of Babylon shall then be the head and guide of the world. Rome, weakened in temporal power, shall forever preserve her spiritual dominion, and shall enjoy great peace. During these happy days the Angelic Pope shall be able to address to Heaven prayers full of sweetness. The dispersed nation shall also enjoy tranquility. 

Six and a half years after this time the Pope will render his soul to God. The end of his days shall arrive in an arid province, situated between a river and a lake near the mountains.

An Even Greater Pope Follows the French Pontiff, a Man of Miracles, Who Reigns a Very Long Time

A man of remarkable sanctity will be his successor in the Pontifical chair. Through him God will work so many prodigies that all men shall revere him, and no person will dare to oppose his precepts. He shall not allow the clergy to have many benefices. He will induce them to live by the tithes and offerings of the faithful. He shall interdict pomp in dress, and all immorality in dances and songs. He will preach the gospel in person, and exhort all honest ladies to appear in public without any ornament of gold or precious stones. After having occupied the Holy See for a long period of time he shall happily return to the Lord.

The longest papal reign in history was that of Pope Pius IX: 32 years (1846 to 1878). Saint John Paul II reigned for 26 years. According to Nostradamus, this pope will also be made a saint and work what may seem to be miracles. His death will occur sometime between 2077 and 2083. 

He will have a nephew who will later be murdered by a group of evil cardinals. One of their order will later become pope.

The Three Angelic Pastors

His three immediate successors shall be men of exemplary holiness. One after the other will be models of virtue, and shall work miracles, confirming the teaching of their predecessors. Under their government the Church shall spread, and these Popes shall be called the Angelic Pastors.  

The three angelic pastors will reign at the same time, as a papal triumvirate. The last surviving member of this triumvirate will carry the Christian Church into the early 22nd Century, around the year 2115 AD.

Abbot Joachim Merlin pretty much abandons us to speculation from that point on as his prophecy of the three angelic pastors appears to be the last of what he had to utter concerning the future consecutive order of Popes. It is clear they are not the end of the succession. So WHO or WHAT is next?

If we are following St. Malachy, then the this triumvirate of Popes would be Shepherd and sailor, Flower of flowers, and the last of the three, Of the half moon. He dies on an important year, 2115 AD. I will explain what makes 2115 AD so important farther down, but it is also the year a new pope will be elected. He will be the worst pope to reign in all of papal history and, unfortunately, he will reign a very long time.

The "Young Black Red": The Black Pope or Dark Pope

De labore solis (Labors of the Sun). 2115 AD. The young black pope (evil pope). Labors being synonymous with tribulations, indicating that this pope will bring much suffering to the world, functioning as a minor antichrist, and for a long time due to his youth on election or appointment.

According to Johannes Trithemius (1462 - 1516), the last third of the current lunar cycle that ends in 2243 AD will be important for several of reasons (which I will get into further down). The current lunar age is governed by the Sun (archangel Michael) It begins in 2115 and it is probably no coincidence that this is when De labore solis is elected pope. The last 128 years of the current lunar age will be quite awful and will lead to worldwide flooding, inundation, and terrible firestorms. The Dark Pope will reign throughout the first half of this 128-year period. In 2115, the Sun still governing, its influence will become increasingly malevolent as the lunar age of Saturn approaches. The Dark Pope (or Black Pope) will impose tribulations born out of madness and evil on to the global society, but especially the Northern kingdoms.

Nostradamus provides a considerable amount of information regarding this figure. It is all bad. And to make matters worse, the reigning emperor of Annemarc at the time this pope is elected and for several decades to follow, is given the title or name of Neron ... and the French Prophet indeed patterns him after the mad Emperor Nero of classical Rome. As for the young dark pope, Nostradamus models him after Ofonius Tigellinus, the evil genius who befriended and advised Nero until the mad emperor's flight and assisted suicide when Galba entered Rome with his elite troops with the intention of arresting Nero and then executing him.

The Murder of the Nephew of Pastor angelicus

The black pope (again, "black" is poetic in the quatrains for "evil" or "dark") has his beginnings in Nostradamus prophecy when his order of cardinals ambush the nephew of the canonized pope, Pastor angelicus, and one of them kills him with a heavy club. It is not clear if the nephew is a potential candidate for papal election. The reasons for his murder are never provided.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.82 ~

Through the desert of a place, free and wild, the nephew of the great Pontiff will come to wander: Assassinated by seven with a heavy club, by those who will later occupy the chalice.

Here we are told that the nephew of the canonized pontiff given the legend, Angelic shepherd, will be murdered by seven conspirators using a heavy club, probably when he is well past middle age in 2113 or 2114. Even though the guilty ones will likely be prosecuted and punished, within their order will be a young, evil cardinal who will become pope. Nostradamus is not necessarily saying he was involved in the nephew's murder, but his order will be held responsible. 

The Dark Pope Elected

The order responsible for murdering the nephew of the canonized pontiff given the legend, Angelic shepherd, will produce a wicked cardinal who will attain the Holy See. 

Immediately below, illustrating the first two lines of Quatrain 6.25, is the last of the Triumvirate just prior to his death in 2214 AD, "Of the half moon" under the malevolent influence of Mars (the planet in this case).   

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.25

Through Mars adverse will be the monarchy, of the great fisherman in trouble ruinous:  A young black red [cardinal] will attain the hierarchy, the predators acting on a foggy day.

Above, the evil cardinal is shown prior to be elected Pope (right).

At this time a leader Nostradamus associates with Nero will be in power, likely in Annemarc. He is given the name Neron in the Centuries. Emperor Neron's evil genius will ascend to the Vatican. 

The reign of this pope, along with the diabolical excesses of the emperor, will eventually lead to religious wars, the downfall of Catholicism, and a revolution which will exalt paganism.

Johannes Trithemius, (1462 - 1516)—Abbot and magician. Trithemius's Angel Lunar Ages of 354 years closely correspond to Roussat's and Nostradamus' grand lunar cycles.  He designates the beginning of the last third of the archangel Michael's reign (2115 AD) as the date when magic and sorcery will be practiced worldwide. It will be an art which will be held with the same high esteem as the disciplines of science and mathematics.

The young. black (evil) red (cardinal) will be elected pope and will be the most wicked man to ever occupy the top seat in the heirarchy. He will likely practice black magic and sorcery secretly while espousing the Catholic faith. Murders will occur of cardinals and nuns who disagree with him and young nuns will be forced to submit to his sexual appetites. 

Paganism will flourish under this "Jovialist" as will human sacrifice. The great Pantheon of Rome, the old gods, will return for worship thanks to this young man filled with darkness. 

He will be a sort of Antichrist, albeit a minor one, the only Antichrist to occupy the Holy See. His reign will be long until his murder around the year 2175 AD

Then a new pope will be elected who will undo all the evil this Black Pope has plagued Europe and much of the world with, which is why he is linked to the symbol of the Olive branch.

Gloria olivea: Glory of the Olive

Some of Nostradamus's papal figures actually seem to match Malachy's mottos for future popes at times; mostly though he seems to be content using his own descriptions and follows later Catholic visionaries more closely with them than he does with St Malachy.

Unfortunately, it would appear Nostradamus gave no clear information concerning this so-called penultimate pope; at least nothing I have been able to find yet. He will obviously be the one who ends the wars, paganism, use of magic and sorcery, sex slavery and ritual human sacrifice and returns the world to peace and the Church to its pristine state. He is a pope that brings an end to bad times and extolls peace, so those would be the clues to look for in Nostradamus. It is difficult because Malachy only took his list of popes up to the end of the current lunar cycle in 2243 AD, believing that year to be the end of time and the final collapse of the Catholic Church whereas Nostradamus foresaw several periods of collapse, renewal and renovation, and thus went much farther:  all the way to 2820 AD, seven years before the end.

If I can ever solve the riddle of where else to find Glory of the Olive other than Malachy himself, whether it be Nostradamus or some other prophet, I will present him here.

Until then, we move forwards to the person Malachy believed would be the final pope: Petrus romanus ("Peter of Rome"). And as we shall see, Nostradamus considered him to be so great a papal figure, that he prophesied he would be regarded as a "Demigod."

The Real Petrus Romanus

The arrival of the last pope mentioned in prophecy by St. Malachy is Petrus Romanus who will reign up to the end of the current lunar cycle. A man who will be honored almost as a god and will conduct the Church through the worst tribulations ever seen. Rome, and the Vatican, will be destroyed by fire.

In truth, Catholicism will undergo many tribulations over the centuries, and the faith and papacy will come to a terrible end more than once. After a period of paganism, Catholicism will be revived, only to suffer more schisms and external threats that result several times in the end of the Church. It is probable that Malachy went as far as the first desolation of the Church and declared that pope to be the last. Only Nostradamus, it would appear, kept track of the rising and ebbing of Christianity right up to the last pope who will be revived by a "third Northern king" just prior to the reign of the beast of Revelation in 2820 AD. There simply are not enough Malachy mottos remaining after the reign of the three angelic pastors ends in 2115 AD  to take us all the way to 2820. Thus, Malachy stopped with the first destruction of the Catholic Church in 2243 under Petrus romanus. 

However, Nostradamus kept on going.

Nostradamus, Quatrain 1.25  

The lost thing discovered, hidden for many centuries, the great Pastor will be honored as a demigod: Then as Latona (the Moon) achieves her great cycle, by others' rumors will be dishonored.

Latona was the Latinized name of the Etruscan goddess Leto, the mother of the goddess Diana. Two meanings become evident as Latona symbolizes the Moon through her daughter Diana. Yet again, the only member of the Pantheon allowed to continue on in the Christian era thus far has been the goddess Diana, although the Church fathers at the Council of Nicaea changed her into the Virgin Mary. Diana is mentioned by Nostradamus countless times in the quatrains under her name and many other names she was known by. He also prophesied that she would be a MORTAL WOMAN who would be murdered in France, yet be worshiped in a further future time and have temples erected to her and high priestesses. A convincing indication that Princess Diana is to be the genesis of the goddess Diana, a hidden fact those of us who are still alive shall all know about in the future. It would mean Time is a great a circle and that Princess Diana shall become a future goddess Diana as well as the Diana of the ancients when the future meets the past as future past. It is she who will sit at the right hand of the great monarch Chyren selin (Henryc & Selene).

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.28  

The great Celt (Ogmios) will enter into Rome with a great mass of exiles and banished: The great pastor will put to death every man who was united over the Alps against the cock.

"The dreadful judge will judge his people." - Malachy

The cataclysms that come with the changing of the lunar cycles are so profound it is not unlikely that at first Nostradamus thought it to be the end of the world until subsequent visions indicated otherwise. It is not unlikely other prophets who saw this period likewise believed it to be the end of time, St. Malachy in particular who places Petrus romanus at the end of the current lunar cycle, one who Nostradamus called "the great Pastor, honored as a demigod." Because the Church is thrown into such disorder that it will cease to exist for at least 40 years, with subsequent revivals and periods of Catholic rule being intermittent and in competition with Paganism and Atheism born out of scientific breakthroughs, including a cure that will stop and reverse the aging process and end biological death, it appears that ONLY Nostradamus took the trouble to chronicle the reigning popes of the Saturn and Venus lunar cycle periods.

The Wild Swings of Catholicism and Increased Opposition from Paganism and Atheism

Nostradamus, Quatrain 1.15

Mars threatens us with the force of war and will cause blood to be spilled seventy times.
The clergy will be both exalted and reviled moreover, by those who wish to learn nothing of them.

This further emphasizes what will be a zig zag, up and down Catholic faith, a papacy and Vatican that will reign for a time, then be overthrown, only to return and be trodden down under foot again. 

How many times this will happen over a period of 800 years is unknown at this writing.

Nephew at London, Church Schismatic

Nostradamus, Quatrain 6.22

In the land of the great Celtic temple, nephew in London for feigned peace murdered:
The Ship then will be schismatic, feigned freedom will be cried out through the horn.

The times will be inclined towards pagan because worship of Sulis Minerva will return at the Temple of Bath. But which pagan era? The one under the black pope? One that will come during the Saturn lunar cycle? Or the more generally chronic and widespread paganism that will be a major feature of the lunar cycle of Venus right up until a month before the Millennium of Saturn (and Christ) begins? Nostradamus mentions Minerva in his Epistle to Henry II as well as being free and favorable. It is doubtful this is the paganism of the Black Pope, thus it belongs either to the sparer Pantheon of the Saturnian lunar cycle or the much greater Pantheon of the Venusian lunar cycle.

We also know this is the not the murdered nephew of the very great Pope later made into a saint who reigns after the great French pontiff. That nephew is killed in a desert. This one dies in London and is likely royal. The Vatican will undergo a number of schisms and the Catholic faith will cease altogether as well a few times.

This will occur during a false peace, but which war? There will be a number of them during both the Saturn and Venus lunar cycles. Likely this is one of the conflicts between the king of the north and the king of the south, but that gets us no further placing this.

Nevertheless, this is a future pope who will be in power AFTER Petrus romanus; possibly well after 2243 AD.

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